[FM] Mountainous 15er (Signups)

personally, i thought it was clever

you lost tho

18-02 if you are like a pro

Serious answer: IC doesnā€™t mean literally mod confirmed town

pros are insta town so donā€™t try scum reading them


Okay, Jeremy is town, Isaac is scum :wink:

@mafiaa if you want to win and icibalus is not on your team kill them or ur asking for a L

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@Jeremy_Gonzalez if you roll mafia kill icibalus night 1

btw if me hjas and Jeremy roll mafia we all must out because if not weā€™ll kill the town

I rolled the game but I think I messed up somewhere because everyone but Hja is mafia


And I canā€™t figure out how to make Hja mafia

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impossible they are insta town

Roll pls I am waiting :sob:

@SirDerpsAlot what do i do incase jeremy sees my role or talks about it irl

stab him and pretend to be both him and yourself in the FM

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Please make sure that it does not happen. In case it does happen, tell the host immediately, so they can force replace them, so the game integrity isnā€™t in danger.


we canā€™t talk about game irl unless were both mafia right

Yeah so uh just donā€™t do that please

Gotta wait for arete, probably wonā€™t start till Friday may send cards out early