[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Derp :frowning: #readingFail

You meant the native search function not the original

@MathBlade I would like a 5 page essay on your reads and your scum team theory

Okay hold up something is really annoying me. Mathblade is getting defended pretty good by Whammerist who is making some… okay points… But Mathblade just isn’t even trying I mean, come on.

Lol not at work :stuck_out_tongue: I am on mobile

I can give you a wall post tonight though.

5 page essay or you are a lock scum

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What do you mean I am not even trying? What do you think I should be trying at that I am not?

Then lock scum me. Idgaf my job is more important. You can wait til I get home.

And ate, it’s due by eod, if it’s less than 24 hours that it’s due d2 if you aren’t dead

this is fair and honestly I noticed that he’s buddying up to me pretty hard which makes me suspect he’s scum more than it does that he’s town
my point, though, was more that you were doing a poor job of reading him rather than “you’re scum” or “he’s innocent”

Lol I planned on that when I got home anyway XD

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Also if anybody could come up with ideas for an essay based on patriotism oll give you 5 town points

Patriots are ppl

i mean i can copy and paste some random debate evidence about us hegemony being good? :heart:


Damn I don’t give a shit if you think I am buddying you but that there is some good shit


Eh I’m just gonna bullshit it like with all my homework lol

Lowkey would be interested in it anyways, dm it to me on discord

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Meta reading Marl :thinking:

You do not listen to people’s meta but you’re happy to use it as your own?

I’d like to believe you are town here Math, but it seems a lot of people are coming to the opposite conclusion, myself included.

ive got absolutely no clue if what i sent you is helpful but it’s the generic evidence i used for this last debate on why 'merica being all up the rest of the world’s ass is good

Is Wham genuinely irritated at Math here or not?

Correct. I am an arrogant prick. Meta is based off observations. I make my own observations and use those. Other people’s meta is inherently bad to use.

And you ever gonna address when I caught you lying? Or are you gonna sweep that under the rug?