[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

yes because scumteam always are first 3 on a wagon

No. Because Marcus is confirmed scum and whammerist is like my highest town read

Marcus voting whammerist makes whammerist look even more townie

and why is he your townread

Because he was Town motivated d1. Sorry your goal is to cause mislynches if you won’t concede the fact that Marcus is scum you are confirmed scum. And Marcus voting wham makes wham even townier


Not going to feedspoon you everything my dude. ISO him d1 and see why. Also why don’t you think Marcus is scum?

I did ISO him and said why I think Wham is scummy

Then learn how to read you newbie

That is not a good explanation on why you think Wham is townie

Don’t deflect the question of why you aren’t scumreading Marcus!

Why should I scumread him

you are accusing him of tunneling but you are one tunneling him rn

I am tunneling him for tunneling a confirmed town. Which means he is scum. He was 100% confident in the Mathblade read and now he is like oh well then let’s continue and mislynch more people. Also why is Marcus not your scum read?

well Mathblade tunneled him and now you are tunneling him

What are you saying? Like what. Marcus death tunneled mathblade and mathblade died as Town. Is your head in the clouds or something. You cannot death tunnel a town and say oh wait that was a mistake. Marcus is confirmed scum here. I am 100% pushing insanity if he flips scum

So are you confirming me as Town? Mathblade a Town tunneled Marcus and now Sam17z a town is tunneling marcus

both aligments can tunnel

Also I doubt marcus would tunnel experienced player like Math as scum since it is pretty risky to get themself lynched instead

Is this the Hjasik I know?