[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

No you are wrong, Town was presssuring Mathblade and Marcus accelerated the death tunnel. I can’t tell if you are VI or just scum

Be quiet you scum


thats what I am thinking about you sam

No if you don’t see how Marcus deathtunneled a town and you don’t think that is scummy then you are a vi or scum

you reason to tunnel marcus is because he tunneled mathblade when his reason to tunnel mathblade is because mathblade tunneled him do you see the chain.

But mathblade flipped town. And I think whammerist is town too and I feel Marcus is causing the lynches. So Marcus is scum it’s just a point of whether or not his associations are scum too

Pretty sure Marcus/insanity scum team dunno about Hijask though I think he just got caught up in the mess

If I remember right Mathblade was first to tunnel marcus

also what are your thoughts on alice rn

Ok so yeah mixture of both. Marcus voted Math the first VC of Ashe’s creation. Marcus changed his vote to Maximus. Math voted Marcus and then proceeded to death tunnel. Marcus voted Math while everyone CFD’d to Marcus then Marcus led the death tunnel on Math and everyone CFD onto Math. If you don’t see that as TvS there is a problem

Marl and alice were the on who pushed mathblade most

But Marl was soft on his mathblade read, he wanted to give Math another chance and to CFD off of him.

this was situation and marcus was supposed to be lycnehd D1

but then this happened

If we look at mathblade train then alice was leading it while marcus only joined it later because of Mathblade tunneling

it makes sense to assume someone is scum if you are town and they are tunneling you

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Marcus Noz_Bugz, Luxy, Sam17z 3/6
Insanity WazzaAzza 1/6
Whammerist hjasik, Marcus, Insanity 3/6
WazzaAzza Alfa, Alice 2/6
MaximusPrime Whammerist 1/6

ppl here are really active

Slightly thinking that Marcus v Whamm is TvS

Cause SvS is just really unlikely imo

/vote Whamm for now

Vote Marcus don’t vote wham