[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

That is where I think you’ve outed yourself as wolf. Hjasik was the one to bring that to my attention.

I sorta townread you because I don’t see you being in a scumteam with Whammerist imo. You’re right those 3 have experience reading you better than I have. But If you think I’m scum here then I don’t know what else to say besides what has already been said

Are you bringing Marcus because you don’t want to vote whamm? Or is it because you geniunely believe that amrcus is scum for putting you as a null?

Interestingly enough, Sam17z is white knighting again, which I don’t particularly like

I have no idea what you want me to do when literally like a THIRD of my posts at that point were going after Maximus
Like seriously, was I supposed to be spam pinging everyone begging them to swap off and then I’d sell them my left kidney? like

Whamm is refusing to even consider the possibility that I’m town, which makes me townread Marcus over whamm

Common mafia tactic is to try and make as many people scumread as many other people as possible

also yeah I remembered I’m pretty sure I was like eating during this time and got on at like L-2 or something

Not necessarily, reply to them with a snappy You there, vote Maximus

that is quite literally what I did the moment I got on

Why say “oh rip it’s twilight” if you’re going to post that anyway?

Kinda… Disguised fluff?

All you said was “max is confirmed scum because I said so” anyway, and math didn’t even flip yet soooo

is the argument here that I’m tunneling people too hard or that I’m not tunneling people enough
i’m literally getting attacked here for two opposite things

If whamm isn’t scum I’m going to hate him forever for pushing me cause he thinks he can fucking meta read me after being gone for a few months

“I’ve scumread him since day one” yeah what makes you think you’re so right because of some day one stuff huh? You don’t even know if you’re right you just want to mislynch me is what it sounds like

on the 1/10000 chance you’re genuinely still upset town after playing that card in seventy million other games
can you give me a single other argument that I’m scummy rather than “waaahhhhh he voted meee”

I’m not even going to bother

This is so draining cause you refuse to believe that there are other possibilities and you just always think that you’re right because you are and don’t even read my good arguements…

Feel free to ping me if you want to replace my slot

Sure, wolves may think that mislynch me early is a good strat, but do you know how fucking tired I am of it? Like, seriously?



Yeah, either of us flipping town condemns the other this was agreed upon. I think Math would’ve put up a hell of a fight to not get lynched.

I mean
if you were coming to the conclusion its TvT, try and get people you townread to unvote beforehand so people don’t accidentally get quickhammered?

I think this is the defining point. Wham entertains the idea that me versus Mathblade isn’t a TvS, yet he still votes me. Wham had plenty of time to get people off either of the wagons yet didn’t.

Thanks for keeping your cool Wham, I respect a dude who can keep a somewhat level head in all this.

wait I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not
please clarify

No that’s genuine.

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I mean it’s literally np I’ve learned that this is just a game so it’s not like I’d, “threaten to hate him forever” over getting mislynched or smth
Like gahhh this is just so hard wtf
I’m afraid you’re still town and that’s what pisses me off

What are your thoughts on Hjasik then?