[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Ily a milly Maxi
I have Hjasik to thank for flipping my read, it wasn’t because Wham pushed you that I wolfread him, its because he’s inaction to prevent a TvT. Sure he pushed you, but did he genuinely try and CFD onto you? He did a pretty poor job if so.

Marcus you are such my dude stop talking

this is very convincing argument


I tunneled him because he insisted that me v him was TvS, not TvT.

Why is that?

When did he look townie before?

Yes calling a thunderdome TvT whilst putting your vote on them and unvoting when it gets to L-2/L-1 is a very townie thing.

Oof, he can read perfectly fine imo.

If you had actually bothered to ISO me you’d see I wasn’t 100% confident until he insisted it was TvS. I thought there was a slim chance it was TvT and gave Math another chance to shift his vote elsewhere or entertain the possibility. He didn’t and thus we thunderdomed.

Then Sam’s going to have to 100% change his read if I flip town

Wham and Sam are the same alignment discuss. Wham is fast becoming my highest wolfread, I’m not too sure on my Luxy one atm


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I’m doing this for you Dad :^)

Well sam feels like he is trying to get into TWTBAW zone on purpose like he did in ninja and guns

I’m back
I just genuinely don’t understand your read on me in the slightest
Alfa finds me town, SamZ finds me town, Marl agreed with me that Max is scummy and never once placed a vote on me, yet you’re taking his posts out of context as if I was one of his top scumreads

Like literally just take a look at your own wagon


But then randomly, you progress from a townlean on me and scumlean on Max… to completely banking on Max being town and me being scum in a TvS
There’s genuinely no natural progression there at all, and it’s just… like jesus christ
I refuse to believe someone can be Town and make such a blatant mistake

Honestly, for this reason - I’m going to trust Marl’s wisdom here too
/vote Marcus
The more I actually analyze the more he seems intent to tunnel me into hell w/o any solid logic, taking advantage off some of the scummiest sheep in the game like Maxi and hjasik, and the wagon he’s driving seems so scummy that he’s either the biggest VI I’ve seen play a Mountainous game or scum

Nice omgus

This post clearly shows you’ve got no idea what that expression means.

You just accused most of your wagon

You tried, you really did

I’ve flipped my read on you because of Hjasik, tell me he doesn’t have clear town motivation

Hjasik isn’t being sheep at all, he’s been trying to create new wagons ever since d2 started

Honestly I do have you to give that point
Hjasik really isn’t that scummy and his progression as far as his vote on me honestly seems natural, even if I think it’s a really stupid vote, that was me being frustrated
You, on the other hand, should know better and are using his read as an excuse to completely flop your vote and contrast your narrative this entire game without any of your own unique logic to back it up

Oh dear, well, choo choo, I don’t like how Marcus put me as null despite Marl/Math/Alice arguing that I was town d1, not that it’s actually a problem or anything it’s just you seem to casually ignore everyone else? :thinking: I mean imo my guts says that Marcus is off, really off, and since I have no skills, guts is where we are at.

/Vote Marcus

I’ve looked at his reasoning, that you took a neutral stance on me and Math, it actually appears you were warming up to the idea that me and math were TvT. You pushed on Maxi yes, I completely understand that, however I think that if you thought it was TvT, there should’ve been more of a push to get players like Marl, Alice, Hjasik etc onto Maximus instead of letting in resolve in a predictable fashion with one of us getting lynched followed by the other