[FM] Mountainous - Wolves Win

Pretty sure they’re both town actually

Why is Alfa town?

Because she is. I jest but I will explain why I townread her after dinner and after I get home.

Addressing questions like these instead of driving home is a bit unnecessary.

Did you even read why I pushed on you? I pushed on you as you kept insisting on pushing Alfa despite that she’s very likely town based on tone alone, and even after I told you why I townread Alfa you then accused me of knowing her alignment for being scum along with Marl and everyone else who toneread her, even after I provided examples of her games here.

If you flip town in this case, then stop being a fuckwit and start listening to people when we talk about meta-reads. The size of this site makes it easy to learn each others meta so it’s a valuable resource here. The reason why I am furthering my push on you is because you pulled the exact same shit in SFoL33 when you repeatedly ignored me when I told you Marcus was probably town.

Except that in this case you are chainsawing your own damn wagon because you were stubborn as hell with the Alfa case.

Again, you’re chainsawing your own damn wagon because you brought a huge-ass suspicion on yourself.

What the actual fuck? You were scumreading everyone for saying that earlier.


@_@ I replaced in for Blue. So can I get my class card when you are online :3

1 Like

Easiest way I figured to do this is to just go down the player list and then leave thoughts on each player. Then afterwards, I’m going to leave notes on what should happen in case I get mislynched.

  • Marl

Marl is a player who seems to be viewed as good, but like I said, I haven’t seen it yet. And right now this game he’s been horrible again. In the game I was a traitor King with him on he didn’t really seem to pay much attention and went with the flow and was very unremarkable. Here it feels similar to that. Like everything in his play screams scum. But at the same time I have too many scumreads and this one’s mroe of a blah-y feel and definitely not as strong as the others.

Reexamining his ISO I can’t really find what pinged me as scum for him so I’m putting him back at a null read. And yes I’m flipflopping. I own stocks in sandals some games.

  • Marcus

This is the first post that made me go WHAT? Because my theory was different at the time which is why I responded with only if Maxi is town. Because I was starting to think something was funny with Marcus.

Then later on when he had his reads with a couple of nulls that REALLY set my warning bells off.

After that he then tried to poke with with an improper question asking me why Alfa was a 65% scumread instead of Maxi, who was at that time. I point out it was improper and Marcus just…disappears. Only to reappear multipler times and not answer the question.

Then when he does it’s all “it was a mistake”. If it was a mistake then why not say it the first time I asked? It doesn’t all of a sudden change because time went by.

  • [BlueStorm’s Slot]

This is nulliest of null nulls because no content here.

  • hjasik

Overall I like the cut of hjasik’s jib. I think he’s really trying to get better whatever his alignment is. I’m pretty sure it’s town here. I think he took a lot to heart after Ninja and Guns and I look forward to seeing him talk more and get more sure footing. I’m thinking Hjasik is town. I don’t see anything that really “pings” me and I feel like there’s a lot of genuineness from him.

  • Alice

Lock her up and throw away the key. Alice pretty much lock scum here. She continually misreps each attack I do on her, and especially in the latest post with the last comment. I said I was getting to the response of why I townread Alfa after dinner and doing a wall in general. Then she says “WTF why aren’t you being more detailed?” The answer is there in the post. Furthermore a lot of other people who were doing drive by reads seemed to have no intention of expanding upon them. I clearly do and always will.

Furthermore she blatantly misuses the word chainsaw
A chainsaw is when another scumbuddy attacks the person attacking the scum. I literally cannot chainsaw myself or my own wagon. It’s impossible by definition.

What really irks my nerves is you and Marcus are actively doing it. I attack you you attack me OMGUS followed by Marcus’s chainsaw. That and then he goes “Maybe Math’s town”…Nuh uh…I see what you did there boy oh.

I really also don’t like how you’re pushing me because I wanted to figure out Alfa for myself. I do not and will not ever just “take it on faith” that someone else’s reads are correct. The fact you push me for pushing Alfa because I don’t worship the reads of everyone else is bullshit. I have ZERO regrets for pushing Alfa and if Alfa pings me I’d do it again. No matter how much anyone insists on them being town. If Alfa is town then ALFA can explain herself. I will push whoever I damn well please. I give zero fucks if you run me up for it. Just prepare to eat crow when I flip green.

  • Sam17z

Sam’s a mixed bag for me leaning town right now. I think I may have a bias here or Sam is a newer player because Sam seems to generally ping my radar a lot but when I took a look at different towngames of his and how and why he pinged me I was getting pinged on similar things. This means Sam is very likely town. However I may be accounting too much for bias so I’m leaving him as a town lean.

  • MathBlade

Me. The towniest town to ever town but being ran up is giving me a frown.

  • Whammerist

Interesting. For saying you’d meta me, you didn’t even compare me to Purgatory where I had proper townreads from the moment go. And it was a mountainous. Compare apples to apples if you’re gonna meta. Oh and the entire game has less than 1000 posts. I found scum so hard they conceded.


Link for you.

Furthermore I don’t recognize you and I don’t have a general strategy as scum for players I don’t know. In the mafia games on Mafia Universe when I was first coming onto the site, I let other people do the talking so I could make them feel important. It’s a good way to scum and not be mislynched until it’s too late. I’ve been playing for a looooooooong time so while I encourage you to try to find a meta tell of mine to squash I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be a hard as fuck player to read until you get to know me in your offtime and I’m shocked no one is really trying to do that yet.

  • Queen_Alfa

Originally I was pinged here because this post seems too glib of a response to Noz. It didn’t “feel” right. So I pushed her as scum jokingly for reactions. When she responded how she did I was kinda meh. Then she responded how the hell someone townread her and I’m like “She’s town” major townpings. That post showed a lot of what the prior one’s didn’t which is more of a “hot damn” I can see in your soul bit.

So yes I’m townreading off one post and yes you can call it scummy and yes I don’t give a FUCK.

  • Luxy

Not much to say on Luxy. His posts are distinctly unremarkable except for sheeping which he tends to do as either alignment. I’m kinda sad because I was able to pick him out as not group scum in the hunter game I had with him. If some of my other reads are wrong I’d come back and revisit Luxy if he’s still alive.

  • MaximusPrime

Maxi is a player I think is kinda like Sam that I have a penchant for scumreading them out of the gate. I scumread Maxi to start but then Marcus’s horrible AI comment that he never followed up on. Then Marcus says “It’s so other people can talk.” YEAH FUCKIN RIGHT DUDE.

This pretty much spews Maxi is town if Marcus is scum. The fact he still doesn’t show any desire to follow anything up only a desire to get off my wagon should speak volumes. And yes this Maxi description has more about Marcus than Maxi. Whoopedy freakin do it’s because of association Max is town.

  • WazzaAzza

Damn this slot is so scummy. Pops in a vote on me and then says "Oh I’ve read look at me. " Except when asked how he read in four minutes “Oh I didn’t read the shitty parts”. HOw did y ou know what was shitty if you didn’t read? Crickets.

Wazza is so clearly scum being coached to vote for me on entry it’s pretty damn clear.

  • Nozbugz

I like Noz’s jive. He does a lot of pushing and doesn’t seem to “follow the herd” I also like his push on me for saying “Hey you need to push a ton of your shit into a post.” It shows a desire to actually know what I’m thinking but at the same time it’s not “you’re scummy because…” Which is what most of my wagon is leaving out. The because. The wagon is because I don’t follow site meta and OMGUS.

I haven’t followed site meta for a few games now and it’s served me well. I plan on doing what gets results.

If I get mislynched.

Break up my wagon into 3rds (the amount of pieces depends on the scum team number alive)

In each group find the most suspicious of that group. Pressure them. This isn’t an automatic he/she is scum but find the one that doesn’t match the narrative. If they are a relatively major poster but posted very little about me and voted me that’s a clue that person is scum.

This wagon was also relatively fast. So look towards the front towards people championing it and one maybe at the end for spearheading it. If it slows down and people don’t want to hammer it’s probably more front mid.

After you’ve taken that group of three see who all of them push as scum together and who they don’t and who they talk little about. You should see where scum focus a majority of their time on. From that you can see their priorities. Is there any heat on their slots? Are they trying to shield someone?

Figure out the story scum want to tell and then demolish it. Looking at different votecounts from Ashe can do just that. Look at purgatory (linked above) for an example

Start from an if statement of a theory you hold is probably true. Then see what flows from that.
Then look at the counter if statement. See what flows from that.

If Math is town then who viewed Math as a threat and who doesn’t? Who would just take advantage of any wagon not on them?

Why is Marcus being so back off ish about this wagon?

Looking at the votes and connecting them to times and reasons will help a lot.

Math if you were lynched today and had a vengeful, who would you kill? I just want the name

You. Marcus_Doodalee

Okay then, I’m convinced there’s one scum between me and Math, and it’s gotta be Math here.

/vote Mathblade

This is a vote with intent to lynch.

Eat rope then. It’s a damn shame I don’t have two votes.

You’ve essentially further your scumread Marcus and Wazza for no reason except that they voted you back. In the event you flip town, I’ll probably go after Wazza because the vote does seems unnatural, if you flip scum I’ll go after Hja and Luxy.

Or maybe because I’m damn pissed by idiotic town plays in what’s supposed to be a fucking competitive setup. After PKR flipped town in N&G nothing fucking surprises me anymore and your pointless pushes on someone who’s nigh-guaranteed to be town absolutely made me scumread you as a attempt to powerwolf.

Or maybe because I see scum attempting to push a mislynch on a player I townread?

If you do, then stop being so fucking stubborn regarding meta reads.

All I heard from mathblade is that Sam17z is bad at reading and he literally is my top scum read every game but I pity him because when I look back I see he plays like scum (because he is so bad) as town and he did the same thing here. So ultra town read

I honestly feel like a lot of the posts are trying to buddy to me and marl. If math flips scum I think marl may be cleared. If he flips town I’ll 100% readjust my reads on a lot of people

Partially why I want a Math lynch today. If he does flip scum, then we’ll have several people cleared by his interactions and I can’t see any other possible scumteam here with him on it other than Math/Hja/Luxy.

I will NEVER succumb to doing group think on day one. That results in town loss more often than not. If you’re gonna push me every day for being “stupid” and not succumbing to “group think” in regards to meta and me actually using my brain and calling me stupid for doing so, prepare to mislynch me d1 every day. Your argument I am scum is literally I don’t take what you say and bow down and worship it. And I NEVER will.

Also I personally love this post based on principle. I would honestly like to see a lot more read posts like this, and maybe add some color to it so we can possibly tell where’s it’s going so we know how your looking at it

Literally Alice says I’m scum for pushing Alfa because I don’t know her. That I should just inherently trust her and bow down to what she provides as site meta. I don’t know if she’s town I don’t know if she’s scum and then she whips it around voting me and then continues to misrep every little thing I do into something I did not say. And then has the gall to wonder why I don’t read another game that’s probably irrelevant crap. Hell I didn’t even read the game I replaced into like you really think I’m going to actually read that. Alice knows I don’t because majority of posting time is at work for me and then she used it as ammo going “Did you read my shit yet?” It’s clearly true look at this small sampling. That’s not how it works.

It’s like saying a coin is rigged because it got 10 heads in a row. What is failed to be left out is there were 10000000000 flips. 10 flips in a row heads is BOUND to happen.

bbl mom calling

If you are town Alice is fucking Dan Gheesling.
Math V Alice is a TvS, discuss