[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

You’re third highest poster if you haven’t actually read the thread go do so

Already explained it. Stop pressing the same buttons.

No, I am just saying that reading is difficult because people haven’t posted much.


I even quoted you.

What was your thought process between the two posts

I only townread you because you made a wallpost.

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Then it wasn’t hard to show me you didn’t have content in it. I don’t know how you usually play and thought it was common for you to be demonstrative. But now it really feels like someone is backing you up, telling you what to say to attempt to pressure me. Your tone in the read wallpost is incomparable to your PKR wallpost.

If you and Maxi flip W, I’m confident Geyde would as well. Your reads are similar to his.

May I ask you to explain this?
Is it the fact that you have a feeling they have organised reads together? Or do you think Geyde’s sheeping off their reads in a weird way?

wow I wonder why my tone changed… wasn’t like someone was pressuring me or anything

When I was newbier scum my teammates would usually help me on what to do when I was pressured. I believe Sulit isn’t acting naturally.

Cool, so who is coaching me then

The fact is that Maxi is already off, and Maxi only talked about Geyde and started to say things like “have you read the thread” when I pressured him on it. It would only be a handy tinfoil if sulit + maxi flips wolf since I already believe Sulit is being coached, and usually more active and higher level players are the ones to coach.

Yet you’ve put Geyde at the third place. If Sulit and Maxi flip W, you say Geyde will do too, correct?
I am asking why you are putting Geyde here, not Sulit. Sorry for not clarifying.

Someone who plays better than you and is kinda active. I believe you are not a L3, so I’m looking at L3s.

BRB history class is starting

Because Geyde is only scummy if Sulit or Maxi are scum. He is pretty safe alone, and I don’t know if Sulit or Maxi are wolf.

I didn’t actually compare Sulit reads to Geyde’s and she didn’t even deny what I said lolreactiontest

This is an or not an and?
Unless I misread you had said and which would suggest that if Sulit and Maxi are W, Geyde is too. Not one or the other.

I know this is not too important but clarification is important here.