[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

I feel like read-wise the content we’ve obtained so far has been pretty meh, but this is something.


May I have some reads from you? Right now I’m having doubts regarding you as you did agree with me in approaching this game like a Mountainous but you never really followed through with that post.

I think this is pretty much NAI from Jake, tbh.

If you looked at the PKR graph, I was talking about that BD.

Also, weird read. But PKR has posted 14 times and I haven’t wolfread any of his posts yet, so this should be a good sign for him.

i think geyde asking why u used bd is towny but alice trying to put pressure onto geyde bc he put pressure onto u is a bit shady

@eevee i feel like i’ve joined this game against my will but oh well

I asked him that question as it felt unnecessary and performative. People use BD as an alternating name for town here all the time, so it didn’t feel like his question furthered the gamestate at all.

Why exactly was it shady?

The thread tempo feels off to me, tbh

Elaborate? Kind of liking how the pace picked up here as before we just kept talking about mechanical shit.

It felt like the pace picked up a bit too quickly for my taste, and in a bit of an agenda-y way? I don’t really know, but it feels off.

Who is pushing the agenda?

it’s literally the morning, I have a cold and I’m barely awake, give me a while before I start saying exactly who I think the wolves are. I have a few suspicions, but I’d rather confirm them as tempo reads have to be confirmed; rather meticulously.

Sure, I’ll wait.

I will catch you in 7 hours or so

I forget is their D1 lynch here or no

There is. It’s kind of why I want to talk reads rn as if we just keep on talking mechanics then we’ll probably end up CFD’ing to an unreadable lowposter like Magnus or Isaac by the EoD who’s pretty much =rand at the moment.

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That makes sense.

Roleblocks are straightforward to prevent while canceling out actions by copying it is unstoppable.