[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

i saw an opportunity and I took it

Yes :wink:

/Vote SirDerpsAlot

UwU spicy

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A lot of people commented before the game heated up. It is vague enough.

It is too specific.

Pointing out things, no conclusion drawn from it.

Oh. Hard to see from the summary feature, but apparently you were the first one to townread Ici.
You have now evolved to nullread :tm:

Active lurking is apparently posting content when you are not. What you are talking about is just plain lurking.

FoL 6 is old enough imo. People usually change, even for a little.
Nice ISO btw, Sulit :slight_smile: idk much about Sulit but I know she is very invested when she is town (aka hosting RRM 3). I townread her for that. I don’t think scum would go that far.
We assume then PKR is more active and confident as town? And that mechanical talk is NAI.

How can a read be too specific

Like, probably we are not using it.
But I already drew myself back and am sorry :tm:

I didn’t even townread him
Jumping to conclusions this early is a crapshoot

Who noticed Ici-senpai, Geyde-san.*

I’m falling to an awful lot of nullreads because the lack of content posts, but let me continue it whilst I play OWie.

Look what time it is.




it’s bed oclock.

u best be sleepin

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@Isaac_Gonzalez @Magnus You didn’t even post until now. Wake up sheeple.

Nuclear: Mechanics talk. Nullread.
Maxwell: Fluffposting and excusing inativity. Nullread.

I’m really in favor of picking Maxi off first and the AFKs later.

sorry, I’m at a loss at how these two things relate.

especially for maxwell

whose gonna tell him

/ita sirderpsalot

is this how you hero shot? help i had to do this before other people had a chance so i couldnt ask who to target

So, on a second re-read here are some of my thoughts.

  • Merc’s trending heavily upwards now. When I read her arguments with Maxi it feels like a normal village ISO as it’s done mainly to probe into Maxi’s alignment and I see no agenda nor pattern behind it. A lot of the issues Geyde had with her seems to come more from misunderstanding than malice.

  • Maxi’s… eh. He spent the entire day defending himself and I can’t really read much of it as it’s purely NAI FMPoV. Claiming that it’s Geyde’s town meta feels way too generic for him for me to get an idea from where these thoughts came from.

  • Sulit’s probably the worst by now being that their entire posting history for today reeks both of being permormative and isn’t really arriving at any conclusions here. Her going to Maxwell right at the gate feels odd and the entire focus on PKR has been completely non-productive. Pretty much settled on lynching Sulit today unless either she improves or someone posts even more wolfy shit here.

Why shoot derps?

I can’t read someone if they don’t post. I can at best try to get they killed because that’s anti-town behavior.