[FM] Paint Your Mafia.. Mafia - Game Thread - (15/15) - Town won

Maxwell :<

You know he is acting differently. But why do you think that would be scummy?

RN I don’t have time to read people as I’m going off to continue doing stuff. Just checking in.

Ici just says the game is stalen.

I townread his post. Everyone turned to him because he was the only one playing, and he got annoyed by that.

Don’t see much breadth on it but tinfoil is NAI for Ici… I think.

I like his proactiveness and posts, and my gut gives me a good feeling as well.

The way he’s acting, eg calling himself conf mafia

So far:
Alice - townread
Maxi - scumlean
Geyde - scumlean
Jake - town
Sulit - nullread
Simon - nullread
Icibalus - townread
Bluestorm - literally only two posts. I’m not reading someone on two posts.
Sirderps - nullread
PKR - townread

Sirderps: He starts the game discussing mechanics as everyone and seems to be plotting a mirabulous plan. He claimed, talked a little about Jake/Alice/me, read Simon, pinged me, gives out two more reads. I mean, that’s pretty average and something that could have been done as both alignments. I’m nullreading him for now.

PKR: Fluffposting as everyone else, some AtE, also plotting a mirabulous plot. A negative read on Geyde. He was the first one aside from the tier 3 players to read someone out of what Alice and Geyde think, so I townread him for this. He is being authentic.

When I was newer at mafia I did similar things as town. I don’t think it is concerning, but if you think that it is odd, go for it.

I gutread derps

You didn’t read thread if you think I waited for Alice to make any conclusions
Threadstate read isn’t vague.
Ici/Pkr not same team isn’t vague.
Saying where scum are in thread is always going to be vague.

You left out me pointing out how nobody biting onto Ici’s post was peculiar and was telling of where the scum were in thread.
Misrepping my posts to bolster your argument isn’t helpful for me reading you or vice versa

This part was literally me testing Alice’s response
This is the only post that fits under waiting for Alice’s response

If you are going to call me out for active lurking, which would require you to literally use OOG information to know if I’m online or not, then you should know that I’ve been in class and as such can’t be posting all the time.

That’s not how mafia works

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Aight so I usually scumlean PKR because I generally don’t remember too much from them and they don’t stand out to me a too much ways. I felt the same thing in Clash of Cults and he was town so I wanted to like iso him

So I went through Clash of Cults and Zombie Arapoclaypse and heres what i noticed

  • Zombie Arapoclaypse

K so, PKR starts off with a lot of mechanics talk, which is normal I guess since that game had heavy mechanics, but then they jump straight into pushing and reads. Sometimes they get off topic, but to the most part they are either pushing mechanics or reads. Generally pretty proactive. Gets mad abotu the flow chart. Tones good, if not a little awkward at times. Overall, most of his posts are more mechanics based. Overall in this game, he also jumped to my scumleans just because of how unmemorable he was. I wanted to check another not-as-mechanic heavy game to see if this behavior continued but uh

Clown Fiesta is Clown Fiesta and I don’t know any of his other scumgames

So hit me up with more PKR scumgames for cookies

So here I jumped to his town game, Clash of Cults

  • Clash of Cults

First thing I noticed is that he was less active than he was in Zombie. Did a quick scan through Clown Fiesta, and he was less active there too so that’s a dead end oof. Some fluff posts, but what I’m noticing more here is he takes the game way more seriously and doesn’t focus as much on mechanics. He continues this behavior as I scroll through the thread. I really want to find a more serious one of his scum games, and another one of his town games to confirm this behavior.

SO I went on a hunt…
and found…

Hand of Byzantium, where he was a neutral, so I didn’t use this game

SO I looked again, and found

Metal Gear, which is not a PKR game


oh my g od its taking so long to find one of these games wtf
GAME SPOTTED FoL 6 (https://forum.imperium42.com/t/forum-of-lies-6-the-unseen-the-fool-and-the-alchemist-has-won/1702)

ok so in this game he was BD (Town)
annnnd he does a lot of mechanics talk. He keeps on topic, doesnt meme. But mostly mechanics. Sometimes tips off the serious side.


So thhen I gave up and checked Clown Mafia, where PKR was town. Wait I thought this was a scumgame this doesn’t help me oh well

He replaced in, but it’s more mechanics talk here.

So far I’m dead inside and I feel like I’ve wasted my time so far

I need one more scumgame, so I shall continue my search.

and then, sulits brain suddenly goes plink!
what about Lord of the Rings mafia?
oop he was town there
maybe it’ll be helpful still?

  • Lord of the Rings Mafia

PKR gets killed relatively early here, but it’s worth a shot.

This is interesting here. He has AtE and he’s freaking out in his first couple posts. He continues to freak out over being pushed, and I have to keep note of this tbh. Gets really frustrated and mad. He calms down, and then talks some mechanics. Uses “If I were scum.” More mechanics, doesn’t talk a ton of reads. belgh.


  • GAME 1: ZOMBIE (mafia)
    Mechanics talk, but a lot of pushing and making reads. Goes back to a lot of mechanics. Slightly awkward tone. Pretty high activity.
  • GAME 2: CLASH OF CULTS (town)
    Less active, some fluff posts, but takes the game very seriously and makes reads.
  • GAME 3: FOL 6 (town)
    Mostly mechanics talk.
  • GAME 4: CLOWN FIESTA (town)
    Mechanics talk, lesser activity
  • GAME 5: LORD OF THE RINGS (town)
    AtE, a lot of freaking out. I will keep this in mind if he gets pressured. Gets frusterated and mad, still uses a lot of mechanics.


In 3 of his town games he was a little heavy on the mechanics, but he was in Zombie too.

I would love someone forever if they handed me another scum game to look at.

Honestly, right now his current tone/posting style reminds me of Zombie, but
he’s also making 50/50 reads and mechanics

I want another scumgame so I can wrap this up in a nice bow please help me

Sadly ye’r gonna have to wait for a while.
I love mechanical talk, it’s kinda just what I enjoy doing.
If I can implement some reads to help normies who prefer that way of FM then that is adequate as well.

I am pretty impressed by your analysis Sulit. Props to you.

i feel like I wasted a ton of time on that I probably did im nowhere farther from where i started

Wall post = locktown

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I will continue on this quest

after I raid the fridge

Do not do that Derps.
I have already said a few times that this is not true.
If it were that simple, everyone would wall post.
For now it just looks good but do not ignore sulit changing reads.

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SFoL 51 I was scum.
Succubbus NK.

yea but thats neutral

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Wallpost lock town smh

No. Bad.
Do I need to teach you a lesson?