[FM] Quantum Mafia - Game Thread - Mafia Victory

that’s what my stalker said to me once

That’s not very nice of you.

I don’t think anyone said it was nice.

it’s just spiteful.

anyway let’s quickhammer or something

at least your stalker gave a reason
mine just said “BITCH”

we can’t quickhammer, there’s only plurality

i’ve done it
i found my first post ever on the forums

my first post was suggested lore because that’s really the reason I signed up here
someone dragged me into FM (probably Intensify) and now I’m in a bottomless pit I can’t get out of
send help


I don’t want to be nice, I want to hoard like a dragon
all mine

serious question
when was the last minority rule hosted anyway

I’ve been scrolling for 8 minutes and only just made it to sep 2020

ayo whaddup, how do we even make reads in this

we don’t today, we just yeet someone to start collapsing the timelines

We do not.

alright sounds good to me
ill just use a random number generator and then vote that

it would be hilarious if it told you to vote yourself

i was kinda hoping that would happen tbh

these lists do not line up

also hewo world

well, you could just vote yourself for the lolz

god has rolled a 13 and decided I most vote PKR. it is not my decision to make.