SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

Complex step by step plan for Unseen:

Step 1: Convert Prince
Step 2: Win

Same conversion timers too, right?
So every other day they can convert if not at cap.
Also, I’m not Prince, Unseen.
I’m some sorta immune NK, so don’t convert me :stuck_out_tongue:
(INB4 Shaman)

BD members
Don't read if Unseen

I’m important BD, but since Unseen don’t know, I’ll not be converted.
Protect me for free win <3


/join as emperor of vanilla ice cream

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Oh I see what you are saying.



Newbie here but i would like to join if you’ll have me.

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Welcome aboard, it’s anything but ordinary Forum of Lies but do follow the same routine regardless.

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Wow is this SFoL being dumped?

Hopefully not. It’s my first time :sweat_smile:


What’s wrong with Pan.

This Sfol ain’t gonna play is it?

This need two more players to start or the host can make poll for the current players to vote whether to start now or not.


Bump. We only need 1 more player to start.

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Who shall we summon to get this started?

Don’t you mean two players for 16 game?

We can force start at 15

That’s true.

You should bump the forum-matches on Discord I think :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t Pug say he will be inactive after FoL11 is finished?