[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread


not enough time

Game Name: Thing Game: Joy Flavor
Main Host: Marshal [+ Mod]
Game Size: 17
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Vanilla

Setup is entirely anonymous 14v3 mountainous, but wolves can at night choose to kill a villager, or flip one of their own and steal an account of a living villager. Nights are flipless, days have flips.

as it will be an anon game donā€™t discuss joining and stuff, iā€™m going to need a mod for help with alt creating stuff


thing doesnā€™t work well on this site because everyone has absurdly distinct tone

tbh i think their is alot of distinct tones ngl UwU

I am proud to announce that Warrior Cats FM is now ready for review!

@Marshal will review your game

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send me the OP and all game details please

Game Name: Chaos in the court
Main Host: me
Game Size: 15
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: sfm

Town of Colourful Neighbors has been denied as the decision of the reviewer.

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Also, after going through that, I have made the executive decision to stand down as a junior reviewer as that was too frightening for me. I will instead be resuming my job of providing cat pictures to all reviewers on demand. Thank you.


BASTARD SWORD - Aliceā€™s Super Ultra Mega Nonsensical Bastard Game whose Mechanics and Flavor make no Sense Whatsoever but for Some Fucking Reason Alice wants this Game to be a Balanced Singleball Game with no Conversions. She is Probably High as a Kite but Fuck it, what could Possibly go Wrong so May as Well Join. Plus itā€™s not Like Youā€™re Using Your Time Productively so in and Play, or in and Slank and when you Get Pushed Just Self-Vote and AtE II: Electric Boogaloo - the Return of the Mafia - the Jester Strikes Back, Much to Icibalusā€™ Chagrin

Has passed review

:confetti_ball: :congratulations: :birthday:


SMH you against a Balanced Scum IC.

Guess no one wants that.

will I get reviewer


how can scum IC ever be balanced


Maybe if they suicide after?

But yeah otherwise thereā€™s literally no counterplay from town lol

@Geyde 's Yes, We Canā€™t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ft Dante From the Devil May Cry Series has passed review and i will cohost

:congratulations: :birthday: :confetti_ball:


@Twil1ight can you send me the stuff for SFOLXX

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Queue status / Site FM/FoL state of things discussion thread (Discuss stuff here instead of in the queue thread going forward)