Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Okay, that ought to give people time for about 9 games, I think.

If by “all”, you mean Marshal, then sure.
Then again, he got approval from Geyde, so meh.

Orange is reviewing my game, with DatBird’s permission.

I am many
I am one
I am :joy_cat:

…yep. All you need now is a cowboy hat on that emoji.

I was overseeing his review


do i need to poke you again about morphomafia

I’m excited for BASTARD SWORD - Alice’s Super Ultra Mega Nonsensical Bastard Game whose Mechanics and Flavor make no Sense Whatsoever but for Some Fucking Reason Alice wants this Game to be a Balanced Singleball Game with no Conversions. She is Probably High as a Kite but Fuck it, what could Possibly go Wrong so May as Well Join. Plus it’s not Like You’re Using Your Time Productively so in and Play, or in and Slank and when you Get Pushed Just Self-Vote and AtE II: Electric Boogaloo - the Return of the Mafia - the Jester Strikes Back, Much to Icibalus’ Chagrin


personally i prefer BS - ASUMNBGwMaFmnSWbfSFRAwtGtbaBSGwnCSiPHaaKbFiwcPgWsMaWLPinLYUYTPsiaPoiaSawyGPJSVaA2: EB - tRotM - tJSBMtIC

(credit to @Mistyx im stealing it tho)



it’s good to know that BASTARD SWORD - Alice’s Super Ultra Mega Nonsensical Bastard Game whose Mechanics and Flavor make no Sense Whatsoever but for Some Fucking Reason Alice wants this Game to be a Balanced Singleball Game with no Conversions. She is Probably High as a Kite but Fuck it, what could Possibly go Wrong so May as Well Join. Plus it’s not Like You’re Using Your Time Productively so in and Play, or in and Slank and when you Get Pushed Just Self-Vote and AtE II: Electric Boogaloo - the Return of the Mafia - the Jester Strikes Back, Much to Icibalus’ Chagrin is finally in the queue
i can hardly wait


Review mountainous games :wink:

I mean… I once encountered a Guilty Child on a bastard game on PokeBeach?

Unless Guilty Child /= Scum InnoChild.
If it really is a scum with the ability to mechanically show that they are an InnoChild, then that is pretty much bad in general.

Well you see

Guilty Child is just why

Scum aligned Innocent Child is actually unfair

Yeah scum aligned IC reveals as town :wowee:

Guilty Child confused everyone since it was actually a bastard game.
Scum InnoChild isn’t necessarily unfair, but simply annoying.

If you want to know what unfair is like, then try playing Rokugan FM: Without doing anything, the game already ended because half of all players in that game threw away their lives by claiming their role and thereby not only committed suicide, but also killed the other half of the players who actually wanted to play the game. Now THAT is unfair.

It was a mafia member modrevealed as town

Yeah, that’s annoying AF, but not exactly unfair.
–not something I’d want to play with though.

was the game portrayed as a bastard game? Like if it wasnt thats unfair