[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Other mods haven’t been responding to my pings, so one of you two, please edit the OP of this thread when you get a chance.

I am not hosting SFoL 59. I will not be hosting another SFoL for a pretty long while. “Return of the Syndicate” will never exist, and “Virtuous III” will not exist for at least several months. Please edit my currently queued spot for SFoL 59 to be FE 4/5 FM, an SFM hosted by DatBird and I that we’ve been working on since at least November (I still would like that spot in the queue due to how long we’ve been working on this setup).

Also, I think @Geyde might be co-hosting SCP FM 2 with me. Not sure, but he’s definitely helping me to make it.

Then, change Anarchy to SFoL 59, Yes to SFoL 60, No to SFoL 61, Maybe to SFoL 62, et cetera.


Also, please then add ACFM (an SFM, hosted by Amelia and me) and BotF IV (a Misc, hosted by me and someone else, with the second host pending) to the end of the queue. Thank you.

I’d like to get BotF IV reviewed and run it earlier than its spot in the queue if possible since Misc games usually get to bypass the queue. I have seen this happen for Misc games several times recently that I can name.

Please don’t ping Chloe for queue stuff. She can help out with moderation issues when forum rules got broken, and plays sometimes here, but is not further involved.


Sorry. I didn’t know and won’t ping her for this again.

I’m just currently a bit annoyed (maybe it’s partially from OCD) that the queue is currently so outdated when it would take so little time to maintain it.

If anyone wants to co-storytell Blood on the Forums IV with me, please let me know by pinging me. I’ll make a Discord server where we can discuss which roles we want to be spawnable in the game.

Hopefully this makes you happy @Italy

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What was the syndicate :thinking:

An insult against nature

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So it was just a group of mad hoes :eyes:

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I don’t have authority over queue maintenance

I can’t edit the op

noted; i did not know.
i’ll continue to wait, frustratedly.

yes i know. only mods can.
also please check the scp fm 2 discord when you can.

Then get it? lol


you’re definitely the most active FoL-team mod at this point

N essentially we are waiting on a mix of Eevee, Luxy, and Squid. All three have been busy. All three are trying to setup more reviewers for this system, give it time. We will get there


Nah Luxy’s just hungover

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if none of the people who are both official reviewers and forum mods have any time whatsoever to upkeep the OP of this thread, IMO another forum mod who has the time should get the approval to upkeep it.

IMO Arete probably has much more time to handle it than any of the main three and is extremely trustworthy in all matters, including this one.

Isn’t it like 3-4 AM where Luxy is