[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Because you have at least three ways for good players to turn evil (Witch Hunter, Golden Child, Mephit), and if Damsel ever turns evil she can just out herself to win instantly since the Damsel ability states that “evil wins” instead of “[The Damsel] loses”.

dang it

It’s worth noting that the script Damsel is supposed to belong to features no ways for good players to turn evil specifically to prevent this from happening.

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what if i changed it to “the damsel loses” for this script


that’s what i thought it was

guess not

Also, why do you have three different ways for players to turn evil in the first place? A small enough game, evil can just get numbers like that.

i forgot about that, sorry

we will change the script

How are you running Puzzlemaster, given that its only design info is “Learns who the Demon is if they can solve a puzzle of who is getting false information”, and you have basically no sources of false information on this script?

i dont know basically any of those characters and cant be bothered to look all of them up so unless you get some descriptions out i cant/wont give any critique

also isnt there a separate thread for discussing queue stuff?

i’ll make one

Devs: ‘don’t try to use the custom characters on your own, it’s likely to lead to unbalanced and broken scripts’

N.1: tries to use custom characters on his own

Script: is unbalanced and broken

N.1: surprised Pikachu face

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It is fixable, im telling you

you know one of the best ways to find flaws in a script?


like really, you could probably find a good few flaws in the game by just getting a game going in tts that is running this, and just doing stuff manually rather than scripted so you can change it slightly from game to game

What’s BotF?

forum version of Blood on the Clocktower

…information overload.

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