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Depending on when I have to host SFoL 61, I could host FoL 28

Aw but I just made my Role Setup :frowning:

It would be awesome!

Seeing as I co-hosted FoL 27 I can actually do this :eyes:

I was main host of the GI games I did

non-randomness in role or alignment assignment is typically considered bastard on this site

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of course Iā€™d rather someone else do it if SFoL 61 is around the same timeframe but I have no start date yet

We can pretend itā€™s randomly rolled as my mind is pretty random.

fixed it

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Trust me.
I didnā€™t get that creative with it.
I just grabbed random roles and stuck them in.

If anyone wants/needs a co-host, @ me. I donā€™t have a lot of experience but thatā€™s half the point of being a co-host and it looks like a good thing to do. @'ing me wont assure you ill actually do it - what SFoL/FoL it is, timing, and current unpredictability are all real things, but when I can give an answer back, I will.

yes I realize there are plenty of more qualified people but it looks like both an opportunity and a kinda fun thing to do


thatā€™s not how this works

It would appear people donā€™t want me hosting a game.

Oh but logically if someone says they are ā€œrandomizing rolesā€ and did that.
No one would know they did that.

You actually have to randomize it by rolling and not just picking and putting the classes in

Thatā€™s un-divulged non-randomness
Which is bastard

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I mean you would be blacklisted from hosting if found out

and potentially from site

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Oh this looks nice!
Oh this one also looks nice!
Letā€™s put this one in too!
Oh yeah, letā€™s add another one of those! :muscle:t6:

If someone says they are randomizing rolls they are supposed to actually randomize them