[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

well yes but the game in question is a game with ITAs

Eh, some players like Fossil are decent, tbh.

Eh, youā€™re not that bad, and Seth has been improving lately. The Dabuā€™s that player who recently joined, right? Havenā€™t seen much of him yet.

Uhā€¦ no. There was no game in question. Alice just said ā€œif we want bigger games, we should go to Xā€.

I mean advertise it off-site.

the conversation topic was on vulā€™s game which does have ITAs

This conversation has drifted far enough from the purpose of the [FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread that Iā€™m going to shoo it to the Cookie Thread

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Do not discuss ongoing games

Ohā€¦ okay.

Whatā€™s that? @Arete
You want to pre into my game?

/Pre-Spectate All Setups Iā€™m Not Co-Hosting Going Forward Whenever Possible, Except When Specified Otherwise Later

Does this mean you will not play anything anymore?

Unless when i specify otherwise in advance, which will be rare, yes

I want to play auction mafia 2 but im not sure if iā€™ll be able to handle it psychologically

Iā€™m not listening to this


it was more of a meme building off hippoā€™s request than anything
Not not entirely legitimate

still wonā€™t be playing much
but iā€™ll request to spec individually in each game

Game Name: Purgatory III: The Reckoning
(game setup is identical to Purgatory II: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/purgatory-2-devils-definitely-did-cry-lost-souls-win/72233)
Game Size: 9, or hydras with 18 players, idk which is better.
Game Speed: 72/72 (Heaven/Hell)
Game Type: Misc I think? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

itā€™s sfm

rip, time to wait in line then

Game Name: Geyde PFPs JoaT9
Main Host: Geyde
Game Size: 9
Game Speed: 48/24 (after first cycle becomes 36/12)
Game Type: VFM