[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Game Name: Community Forum Mafia
Main Host: Small_Tank
Game Size: X
Game Speed: 36/12
Game Type: Mishmash



I will be your reviewer :^)


who do you call if you have a tank keeping you hostage

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Uhmā€¦ Putin?

Iā€™m calling HR
We need an internal investigation

you are a detainkee

big brain

if this is an eevee alt, eevee cannot admit to this being his alt

which means

he canā€™t blacklist me from the game :^)

All hosts are allowed to use Wisdom of the Mod in deciding which players to allow

shut it arete

let me have this

well actually it gets lifted in a week anyways so it doesnā€™t really matter

shouldnā€™t casino royale enter the review process soon
or should it be removed
Braixenā€™s bio says heā€™s gone for good
he says not to ping him and hasnā€™t posted here in 3 weeks

Heā€™s Brakuren#1901 on Discord
he is in ToLcord

Not sure if someone should reach out to him

smalltnka is an eevee alt, but you didnā€™t hear it from me
itā€™s an inside reference from why back in the old days that goes back even before Community Mafia 1

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Is my game good to run?
Itā€™s not on waiting queue yet.

Talk to me in DMā€™s if it isnā€™t pal and LMK what I need to get it all good.

insert old geezer screaming about the ā€˜Good Ole Daysā€™

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even if it passes review you still need to wait in line until given the approval to open signups

according to the queue, there are 5 games ahead of yours to run first.

no not yet, I have to read through all your classes, i been a tad busy. Also u can message me in the dms.

Iā€™m aware.

This isnā€™t coming from a Moderator, just a fellow player - and this isnā€™t directed towards anyone in particular:

Can we be more patient when it comes to getting our games reviewed? Pestering reviewers wonā€™t help your game get through the queue any faster. Reviewers are humans, they arenā€™t robots who can just look at it and give you the go-ahead in 5 seconds. They take their time because they want the setup to be fun for everyone. Letā€™s be more kind and understanding - reviewers have lives too, and they are all doing their best (which is a fantastic job)

Thanks ily all