[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

What would I be doing?

@ChopChop what does Co-Hosting entail, exactly?


imo closed vs open standard games should be distinctified here

Game - Apex Legends Season 5 D8 FM
Hosted By Me and Maybe Co-Hosted by Ob_Light
Size - 13 Player Game
Speed - 48/24
Type - Semi-Open

Well guess what youā€™re not allowed to even more, even after signups now. Congrats ya played urself

am I allowed to know why

He defaced my op. So yeah thats why

/pre-in SFoL 61.

After ClonedCheese I really want you to review my game!

srsly yā€™all stop reeeeā€™ing @ the reviewers just wait ur turn itā€™s a process and itā€™s not gonna get ur game reviewed any faster


To be fair, the reviewers do really much work rn, look at how many games got reviewed in the last weeks.


does anyone know how to fix my pain and sorrow


Turn ā€˜Watchingā€™ to ā€˜Trackingā€™

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Itā€™s not that, itā€™s that whenever someone edits the Wikipedia I get a notification

Oh. I suppose you have to turn ā€˜Trackingā€™ to ā€˜Mutedā€™ then

Thatā€™s gonna be a ton of notifications.

Ask Dylan to transfer ownership to an eevee alt

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Yā€™know, I keep wondering why it isnā€™t called the opposite. Do you know why?
