[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

eevee is the only higher up

@eevee, define vanilla.

look eevee doesnā€™t even like the current categorisation system
you can tell because heā€™s not using it for his games

I think nobody did because of DybuDabu.

Also I keep thinking Ici/Derps are the same person.


I guarantee it would have been at least somewhat serious without dybudabu

look just because we have superficially simmilar ways of talking and have near-identical avatars doesnā€™t mean weā€™re easy to confuse or anything :^)

at least it isnā€™t mixing me and Emilia up

This happens when you have the thread ā€œunpinnedā€
happens when you visit the thread a few times
you can change it to ā€œpinnedā€ to keep it at the top

I blame Eevee for avatars Iā€™m too lazy to change mine

problem: i have the thread set to pinned

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once you visit the thread once
it resets to ā€œunpinnedā€

reject discourse modernity

embrace page tradition

iā€™ve changed my settings
still doesnā€™t work

So basically discourse is dumb
Got it :^)

Seconding this. Can you announce new reviewers when you get them, so we can keep this thread up to date. Actually, it seems like we already have new reviewers we donā€™t know about? Me confused


and while thereā€™s probably a solution buried somehwere in the Optionsā„¢, I think we should not make people search for what game types actually are

Yeah, but I was dead on N1, and I literally planned to relax and do nothing were I to be spared by Derps.

Itā€™s a D8 Setup type game.

If you think the roles are ā€œVanillaā€ (apparently that means ā€œcommonā€ nowadays), then itā€™s Vanilla.

If you think the roles are unique, or if you want to host a bastard game where you might have to lie, then itā€™s Standard.