[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread


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move it to waiting to start then asap

We literally all had terrible paranoia at what was going on because of the dreaming god effect as well

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That pfp

My chat in link with Arete N2 was full paranoia mode because I knew Arete was dying and I felt lost.

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tfw I had to sub out but I was the only one protecting Arete, and without me they had to out their class >.>

Game Name: Community Mafia
Main Host: Wazza, Arete and Emi9lia
Game Size: 16-20
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Idk what it would be considered
Reviewer: Eevee (Unless I have to get another reviewer)

I am literally posting this to rush me and my co-hosts along lol.

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@eevee-sama @PoisonedSquid @Arete
I’m going to replace my currently queued SFoL 59: Return of the Syndicate with SFoL 59: Virtuous III – The End of Days
will be more or less an identical setup to Virtuous II
Just FYI

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should not need much review

why ping me lol

this was an error and i quickedited that out lol

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N just likes random pinging everyone :wink:


Game Name: NUF FM (Bastard Rolemadness)
Main Host: Zone_Q11
Game Size: 17
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFM
Reviewer: None yet. Dunno where to look. @Icibalus?

I am pretty sure this is going to be rejected immediately, so finding a reviewer will be tough.

if possible i’d like this reviewed sometime in the next week?

should be an easy process

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Wait do you have to ask to be reviewed even if you’re already on the queue?

not quite, but squid is still setting up the review team

She wants to host it soon, its really not much review work, and she didnt get answer on her dms for quite a while

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no but im impatient and am pretty sure i can say one sentence and get a yes/no answer from the reviewer

I think I could explain the setup in 3 words :wink:
Its very complicated


I know that you are not a reviewer, but do you want to try to review my setup?