[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Not if its FM, I have played way too few FM to know enough about it

Hmā€¦ Okay.

Iā€™m trying to get the reviewing process done soon, but Iā€™ve been focusing on a lot of real-life work, so itā€™s been hard to finish it up


later update: edit it with the info laid out in this post

isnā€™t feasible to run most likely, unless thereā€™s something the mods can do

was gonna be an anonymous FoL game but i was told the auto moderation system would go crazy cause of alts n such

Yeah we tried to set it up before and were yelled at for it

yeah i heard but i thought the issue was more due to manual moderation than auto moderation

i was fairly confident i could moderate the game if necessary but, well, that wasnā€™t the problem :upside_down_face:

Game has been rebalanced to be 25 players


ā€¦ no kapp?

I hope this answers your question


have anarchy run as 59
i refuse to have it be anything but a prime number

I asked Xblade if I could do one and he told me no

I asked too lol

Xblade is actually pretty chill tho


yeah thats why i said to take it off the list

i talked to xblade for a bit and it just didnā€™t seem feasible

he is indeed quite chill

I talked to him about game dev for a while was fun

fuck it
ill make my own forum!
itā€™ll have anonymous games, black jack, and hookers!

Xblade was super cool about the pronoun thing

We <3 xblade

Any more xblade fandom should go 2 cookie thread


update 2: keep it on the list, but update it

Game Name: SFoL 64: Randomizer FoL
Main Host: katze and Chloe
Game Size: 16 or 18
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFoL

not anonymous like i wanted but i think this will still be a fun setup

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What the heck, 25!

Gamers win