[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Also, this can be offensive for non-believers, so it will be instead “pajaro lindo”.

Not sure if creeping terror is a valid name, it might violate the gore rule of the forums tbh.
Tho that one is borderline, my advice would be to change name to something nicer as well :slightly_smiling_face:

but im of the firm opinion that the names and a lot of information about these roles could not have been released by accident

and like i said i’ve played with some of them before IRL, a few with PI officially licensed storytellers

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I guideconfirm Arete as tree


Arete has revealed as the Bush! They are not aligned with the Trees.


Also from now on we are no longer “lynching” and “killing” in forum mafia.

We are using “justifable punishment” and “deportation”.


Darn, now you’re going political again

you realize that several of them were released either (a) because of people leaking them against the wishes of the devs or (b) because of someone looking at zoomed in photos of playtesting sessions and reverse-engineering characters from the text visible in the photos



irl datamining

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I would say that the vast majority of information we have about them was gained through KS / FB / other update posts made by the devs

so tl:dr unless tan or someone else can convince us if / why that script is terribly unbalanced, marshal and I are going to continue working on it and will run it within the next couple months

or we are specifically told not to by one of the devs

*and given a convincing reason why we shouldn’t

we already know they don’t really want ppl using these chars marshal

i mean if they ask us not to i’m gonna respect that either way

but that would be nice


they have issued such requests as general requests although as far as I know they haven’t made them to any specific individual people

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i sincerely doubt they ever have done that.
they’ve barred running them on two BotC discord servers I am on but like I said i’ve played some of these roles before IRL with PI officially licensed storytellers


as far as I can tell their official position is ‘we can’t stop you but don’t’

great. so marshal and i will run that here unless it’s overly unbalanced and we’re not seeing it now