[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Still needs reviewer. Not for review, but to be your help if some legal issue arise.

But yeah, without review, just with GM.

K there you go eevee

@DatBird, do you wanna be my reviewer again?

maybe, I gotta figure out things first

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I will take it.

Itā€™s not like it requiers much work and Iā€™m not planning on playing it anyway.

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I can re-add duel of the juggernauts and golden dragon 3 in the future when theyā€™re done, right?

I should probably talk to Neirik. Idk how the golden dragon 2 setup could be better balanced, or if itā€™s good as is.

Yes, youa re allowed to readd stuff.

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ooh someone check mine

im very interested to see what Braixenā€™s SFoL will be like

Eeveeā€™s reaction to regal lions was hilarious

ā€œShit I canā€™t actually deny thisā€


cool what about SFoL 61: No



Anyone want to Co-Host the Rick and Morty with me?

i guess i could co-host, but i wonā€™t help with designing (iā€™ve never seen rick and morty and donā€™t really plan to)


i definitely canā€™t co-host

iā€™m bad at managing things
good at creating, but bad at managing

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you actually fucking did it you madlad

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When your game gonna be up?

it states in the post. Signups to that one will open may 15th.