[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Can a game start before the 15th?

Signups for ToS FM 2 opened early, the post says May 7th for that one.
So possibly.

Game Name: Auction Mafia 2
Main Host: Psychoneirik
Game Size: 16
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: SFM

Too bad Iā€™m taking a break from FM.

Can I /Pre-Spectate?



my first FM setup ever returns!!!

side note

can we stop this whole ā€œpre-inā€/ā€œpre-specā€ thing

just like
do it on the signup thread



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Some people might not be online when the thread comes up and if game fills up very fastā€¦that sucks

I mean I guess thatā€™s true

but like

it still kinda bugs me

Doesnā€™t that same logic apply to people who wanted to join the game but didnā€™t pre-in?

pre-spec is something Iā€™ll admit is completely stupid beyond being a meme


it doesnā€™t fit for scenario since there is opportunity cost associated with not pre-inning
I see logic though

Some people might not know their schedule that far in advance and to pre-in and out afterwards sucks

I think that only would apply if the entire game filled up with pre-ins

Otherwise the people who didnā€™t pre-in chose not to pre-in, and them being disadvantaged in getting in relative to those who did seems reasonable

Also this thread isnā€™t the place for this, take it to the cookie thread or something

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Its not.
I told them that trick.

My daughters pre-specced me in order to make impossible that I play the game. It makes sense. If you know that you really shouldnā€™t play FM anymore, but you know that particular game will tempt you, then spectate. Spectating barrs you from playing or replacing in.

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First post is a wiki. You should add it to the end of queue yourself.

I added it for him. o7

/pre-spec all games in list

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truly the wildcard of this forum