[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

Pestering them helped me

For legal reasons that’s a joke


No it didnt


If your setup has previously been reviewed as well, provide the reviewer with a changelog. It will make life much easier for them and quicken the process as a reviewer has previously reviewed everything they don’t need to do it twice (provided that the new mechanics do not directly conflict with the entire setup).
Document all changes as you go along designing the second version of the setup. Reasons as to why you’ve implemented certain changes are helpful as well.


I said that we should just wait for a reviewer to be assinged >:(

and i’d argue that method was what got us a reviewer

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Pestering for a reviewer can make them have a negative PoV on certain games.

They can later just get stuck on flavor and demand complete remake of it, just becouse they dislike it, when in reality it’s juts counter-pestering to take a small revenge for host pestering them before.


I’m definetly not speaking from experience.

I would never be petty enough to just get stuck on some game having not-so-fitting flavor, just to annoy person who submited setup.


Seriously tho.

Countries FM has been denied via decision of a reviewer.

Town of Salem 2399 has been denied by decision of reviewer

So many things are being denied

No you would never do something like that

I deny all acusations.

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Mostly becouse I really think other flavor would be more interesting and fitting.

Is what it is, game should (hopefully) still be enjoyable regardless

ModeShifter’s Pro Mafia All Any Choice Game has been denied by decision of reviewer.

A Lot of Changes

Basically first no Jester where they win game if lynched. No lying darkness

2nd Pirate is unfun. The fact you get killed cause u lost rock paper scissocors is not a fun concept

3rd the setup in general is flawed in the sense that there’s a way to mechanically solve it with the inclusion of AI picks. And if you dont have AI picks then there could be no mafia side. Basically the rand is super finicky, and not only that the rand relied on you Seth picking. Theres no way for me to account for balance or make sure the rand is not wolf/town sided from prerand as you yourself make it on the fly
Basically how Anime FM worked was similar but it wasn’t alignment indicative. Your is and that leaves solves post game rand and no way to detect balance beforehand. Thus leading to heavy swing. Basically the core premise doesn’t work. The setup would need to be reworked to actually have a role list or in a way where it could actually roll.

4th town classes in general didn’t work and took agency out of players hands. Mayor especially makes it so no one is able to play for a day as one guy takes away day to pick a lynch just so he can die at night. Crucifier and Suicide Bomber fundamentally rely on luck/sacrificing other towns to make sure it works effectively for what comes to one kill, and if you coordinate them to actually work, scum can just mess it up as its out in the open. And if either of those two dont happen 99% of the time your gonna be killing town as you have minimal control on who you kill. That mixed with a lot of descriptions that just don’t make much sense based on the wording alone. Mixed with one role in particular that isn’t even finished.

TLDR: fix your classes wordings and abilities so they work, remove the roles that don’t need to be there, figure out whatever these achievements are, make it a rand, dont do all choice as it wont work as its AI. And have a proper op ready

If you make the changes and re-add it to queue AFTER those changes were made. We will review it again.


Also just gonna remove Braixen’s Casino Royale as he seemingly left the community. If he shows up again he can have his spot in queue but for now it will be removed


@Amelia and @N.1 Im your reviewer for sfol 62 triple threat virtuous. Invite me to any documentation and stuff for review

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For a note - this changes were only listed since setup is semi-open anwyay.

In case of closed setups, we will not out reasoning in the queue thread.


Insurgency game should open signups.

Bastard++ should open signups.

Castle of the Blood God is scheduled at 22/05

Triple threat review is put on hold.
If someone is hosting, focus on hoting first.
Review can wait, while games need attention at given dat.


Sounds good

Hoo boy… it’s 2 AM. Let me sleep first.