[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

I feel like just don’t announce you’re joining the game or who’s in the game and it’ll be kinda hard to tell who’s in it

too bad i deleted my draft for the original anon game i wanted to do
i had 18 cat breeds picked out


How would we do an anon game

i mean i could just make 18 accounts on a site like MU and have signups done completely privately

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Oh off site I should read before posting

also the point of a anon game is kinda to discourage meta

so even if you could guess at who a certain player was, it still wouldn’t really be very effective since you’re not certain and people probably hopefully won’t listen to a meta argument on them


permission groups are a thing correct

You get modkilled if you discuss who someone is

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that also works

I feel like some sort of restriction on that would have to be a thing otherwise half the game would be like omg A is probably B !!

we should probably talk about this in the cookie thread tho

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the way I’ve generally seen it implemented is ‘you can’t publicly discuss your identity or anyone else’s identity in the game thread publicly, but Mafia can talk about it in scum chat’

Game Name: Harry Potter FM
Main Host: oB_L1ght
Possible Co-Hosts: Magnus, N.1
Game Size: 20
Game Speed: 24/24
Game Type: SFM


I should probably say that I’m trying to host this…

But I think y’all got that.

Guess I’ll /pre-in SFoL 62.

Anon game? That sounds fun. I’m thinking that our names would be similar to IGN names in ToL.


you know way more about FM community norms than I do

are there specific sites that Anon FM With Only FoL People would be particularly suited for(/would let it happen at all)


duh lol

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M451 might if you ask Elli nicely? Unsure

That being said as a general rule most of the 451 regulars a p cool