Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

why does windows want to update

ugh, i guess its that time of the year where i actually reinstall this OS

not like they are seeing much from me streaming it anyways

someone is probably though

Hence the direct purchase :slight_smile:

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kinda crazy to think about


perfect grammar

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Smh my head

this brings me anxiety

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It should have said IGN. Easy to miss when a word is duplicated.

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Did he die 40 seconds into the fight or what.
Or is this LFR

It’s heroic and it’s a mage that was doing less damage than me

I still haven’t done N’Zoth yet because my team keeps being incompetent
Like wtf
It’s not hard to outheal Vexiona’s despair, not get hit by a twilight bloody decimator and play a mini game of Fifa

Please tell me he was fire.

Tbf he’s probably low ilvl and one of the lead’s friends.

He was Arcane on Xanesh and I suggested changing to fire for single encounters

iLvl 460, using AoE on single target boss

Kyo you absolute nerd.
Arcane is the ST spec. Fire is king on multitarget cleave/aoe.

Probably just a slacker coming into the raid for free loot.

What is your ilvl right now? Maybe when I’m less sick we can actually apply for N’Zoth and get you the curve.
And potentially get me the memefesto.

What? Really? I remember it being all about Pyroblast crits. I remember only Ignite + Scorch being multitarget with Flamestrike as a niche because you’d always want to cast Pyroblast

Fire’s mastery (ignite) literally spreads DoTs to everything that moves.
Remember when I told you that Arcane isn’t the multitarget spec? Yep. That’s why my damage is always so low on Carapace/N’Zoth. Target swapping is hell for us.

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Fire used to be like 1-2 targets, Frost with 2-5 (blizzard and orb ect) then you had Arcane which was 5+ and also atrocious