[FM Queue] Queues and Submit thread

@Min’s game has passed.


Game Name: VLDR 3 “Experiments”
Host(s): Trustworthy Liberal + 1/2 Co-Hosts (Needs Offers)
Game Size: 12
Game Type: Misc

Moving this back into Queue for this month with a time restriction.
Game will run Weds/Saturday and will be on hold on Sun through Tusday.


@TrustworthyLiberal 's VLDR 3 can open

We are opening a third misc due to the very precise time this game can be played. Due to this when one of the 3 miscs ends we will not be opening a new one right away at least. We will keep ya updated


@astand @KyoDaz Ciconia FM can open signups

idk anything about the VN but pretend i put a pun here


Hi! Do you have a MISC idea?

shakes head violenty

Well let me tell you, we have an open MISC slot!


Due to the fact that there are no miscs ready, we are opening it to you THE PLAYERBASE to submit your MISC.


So go out design your best MISC and we will meet back up in 24 hours, and we the REVIEW TEAM will pick our favorite and organize the queue.


So what are you waiting for. Get to designing!

Pencils squeaking, people running, gunshots, Arbys being eaten


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Queue/Submit Discussion Thread

Keep ya posts in there. Send all submission to me over discord. Feel Free to discuss your ideas over there and what ur gonna submit

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Game Name: Blood on the Forums X: New World Chaos
Host(s): EliThePsycho + ??? (i really need a cohost because lolschool so… please?)
Game Size: 7-12
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Misc

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Game Name: Island Survival
Host(s): Wazza
Game Size: 12
Game Speed: Important event every hour hours in a small 4 hour window (3 events per window). Game estimated to last at most a month.
Game Type: Misc


Game Name: Wild West Forum Mafia 2: Everything’s bigger in Texas
Hosts: Italy (and probably marshal?)
Game Size: 50
Game Speed: 12/12
Game Type: VFM

god help us all

(we are aiming to somehow get this on the mu-fol subforum)


Game Name: Your turn to Survivor: Death Game by Majority
Hosts: Marshal (cohosts welcome, low-effort from hosts)
Game Size: 14
Game Speed: 24/24/24
Game Type: Misc

YTTD but only the main game and with some slight tweaks.


Game Name: BotF X: Forums Brewing
Hosts: thepigeonnyc + cohosts
Game size: 5-15 (up to 20 if needed, though not ideal)
Game Speed: 24/24/24 (will change to 12/36/24 or 12/24/12/24 if wanted)
Game Type: Misc (if it won’t make it as a Misc then forget it, I don’t have time to wait in queue for FM)

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Game Name: Magitech survival
Host(s): Emilia
Game Size: 15±
Game Speed: -
Game Type: Misc

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Name: cat battle royale
Host: katze sulit
Game size: infinity
Game speed: phases 24 hours
Type: misc


Name: Minority Rule 12 (or whatever we’re on)
Host: @Hippolytus
Game size: infinity
Game speed: Phases 24h
Type: misc


Ok Competition Results:

We had a three way tie for first, so we will be going on fastest to slowest for these. So the order will be

Cat Battle Royale
Following Cat Battle: Minority Rule 12
Following VLDR: Your turn to Survivor
then following those would be Adventure Survival then BOTF X then XI

In that spirit:

@sulit 's Cat Battle Royale can open

:congratulations: :confetti_ball: :birthday:


Hello Questions FM. I have returned. With modifications.

Game Name: Questions FM
Main Host: Zone_Q11
Game Size: 13
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Special


Game Name: RuPaul’s Drag Race: All Stars Season ???
Main Host: GGhana
Game Size 17:
Game Speed: 48/24
Game Type: Vanilla

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@EliThePsycho 's A Hat in Time Cop13er can open

:congratulations: :confetti_ball: :birthday:


will open when I get home