[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

Lol, he was typing way too long. Maxwell is scum again.

Mmhm… I wonder what will happen if I tell you my fake truth at EoD? Given that I am not lynched, that is.

Ohhh fun

Sorry, that it’s so easy, but you just overthink. It’s a classic tell for you.

Maxwell, will you attempt a defense or go into anti-spew?

You’d be wrong to assume my votes are without cause.

Im doing IRL things,Will Come soon

Explain the connection with one of their scum games with quotes. I’m not entirely buying this.

God I want to tunnel this

The bastard game that just finished. Aka the only one were they were scum? :thinking:

…okay. The fun is gone now.
I still claim the Devil’s Advocate, but I’m not a Jester.
I am still going to spout lies every now and then for good measurement though. …except my fake truth at EoD.

Are you hard defending Maxwell for a reason?

I want you to show the connection because I’m lazy.

I got them based on redcheck there


Read the post.

Go ahead if you want, but that’s not going to happen.

Why won’t it happen?

Then elaborate how I am wrong. Because so far you are not acting any better than Hjasik does.


My only defense is to state my class and abilities so if it comes to that I will. In regards to the typing time, I’m on mobile which causes a good deal of input lag.

Mechanics ree