[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

@insanity @blizer @whammerist @Alice @Frostwolf103 @PoisonedSquid @simon @maxwell
pings unsuspiciously

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Merc, Iā€™m already in


Iā€™m already Squid

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Not really.

Itā€™s role madness with scum having a lot of possible fakeclaims.
It should be around 3.5 / 1 ratio.

It has lot of mech info tho

Not really, like doublevoter can be both town or scum.

So does most of this roles.

Mechanical info is useless in this game tbh.

Role madness is Usually pro town since scum abilities are Usually just counter to town ones So there are Usually more scum

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@Mercenary if you give me Serial Killer Iā€™ll join

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FK has a setup that he wants you to play in



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More of a setup idea

one of the major mechanics is you canā€™t claim your role or you are modkilled and the day automatically ends.


What about softs?

What are the lines of what is actually considered a claim?

Like claiming a redcheck as cop

Host discretion on that, if itā€™s too obvious itā€™s a modkill

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The thing about this setup is that the setup is going to be designed to make you want to claim your role but you canā€™t so if you have mechanical evidence on someone you need to actually build a case on them being scummy


Thatā€™s p interesting actually


Is it the case here?
