[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread



NOOO! please don’t rerolll

I still dont look eye to eye about modkilling for copy and pasting since someone can easily fake it based off their role and confirm themselves as not that role

Too late. Scumteam is outed

I was trying to go to sleep as well…

/vote for reroll


Well at least I found one scum.


Don’t hate me.

/vote for reroll but use powers as host to change your own rules

  • reroll
  • don’t

0 voters

I was actually a really sweet role. :cry:

Why did you delete your discord?

such a good hint :frowning:

I’m working on a setup and am on mobile

What happened

Bish, no, I’m Town Soul Linker

Want me to out scum team?

I was mafia.

I was this.


Please use your power as Host so you dont have to modkill players for copying their classcards, only quoting cards