[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

It’s a good thing

No u

*had hosted a game with 3 maf, 2 neut, and 11 town*
Yeah… Let’s not talk about that…

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As for me… I guess I will still be backup.
…actually, I think I will sit out on this one.

Maybe you should make a new thread Mercenary?


I will, I will. But let this one for the signups for now?

Paraphrasing is allowed.
Quotation is not.

Aka you can say “I am cop with n0 check”, but you cannot paste cop rolecard.

I’ll rejoin again by the way. :wink:

me 2

me 3

not me

Bad boi

Meh… I’m not sure on what to do

Be a gud gal

I promise I won’t call you scum in my first post!

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I would guess I’m still modkilled. Still kind of the same game

You’re not bae

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oh really?
If so then /in


/in if possible i guess

got nothing better to do

ping me on discord when it starts

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