[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

Yes, I had a reason and that reason is pressure.

You’d talk a lot less or less productive.

As much as I want to modkill maxwell for outing his class card, he is town so i will hold my breath

And there are a ton of people without posts.

Why did you just out?


Do mafia get fakeclaims?

Forgot how to actually make defenses in mafia

Fair should have realized that before jumping to conclusions. I thought I missed more of the game than I did.

Why wouldn’t you ask in rolecard

They can search the Rolelist for one

So much shade throw from geyde here i think we go to the hook with this

Because why would I? :smile:

Only quoting is illegal. That was not and could have just been composed, you know.

Also Hja probably town.

For all the wrong reasons.

Pocketing also… the hook is closer


I don’t think Maxwell is that proficient at scum yet.

I’m feeling like you are either townslipped or were trying to townslip

Oh. Well that ain’t good for me.

Welp. Time to tunnel you then. FTR, I did warn you.

/vote Maxwell

At least I am still talking. Even as a low hanging fruit, I do more than you, apparently.

What’s your proof? No really. What’s your proof?

That isn’t pocketing

That’s just reading a player as town

Solic should know well enough that questions go to class card though.