[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

Claim Vig? You mean Day Vig or a Sheriff?

Not conf!scum, but lock!scum. Because I claimed Sheriff, while I meant Cop, even though I am neither.
I kinda acted like a jest, and I bet 500 nuffies that at least 8 Players won’t believe that I am town.

Very positive mood.


Solvey posts

Still jokes

Feel like these are kinda shadethrowy

Don’t like this comment. It’s like trying to gauge if he should defend himself against it or not.

First hint of annoyance I can find

blabla some quotes I’m skipping or this will be long.

I guess some frustration is present.

This comes out of nowhere really. Town doesn’t instantly think SCORNED. They think mafia. Seems like bad attempt at shading Sam.

This comment is a good explanation however. Meeh

back to solvey posts.

I guess maybe more anger is starting to appear. I still don’t see why it would be brought on and find it an overreaction.

I was really not even hard pushing him and I find this very excessive and emotional without basis.

Now he’s back to solvey again. Really that much of a fluctuating emotional state? Doubtful.

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Claim vigs are a night action


Isaac, Isaac

Then kill Sam. He claimed Town JOAT.

Wait. I meant Maxwell.

what if im not claimvig though

Reread the posts with Sam’s in context

There is quite literally a

Claim Vigilante, Riddler, and another similar class based off the possible classes in the OP

im still claimvig though

Then I don’t really care.

ok claim little girl

you won’t

But you said you were pissed at yourself and not Sam.


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Do I need to explain emotions again

Accused Votes Voters
Geyde 2/9 H_Hjasik (#221), Solic (#506)
Margaret 2/9 Meteoro (#410), Zone_Q11 (#418)
Zone_Q11 1/9 Astand (#260)
H_Hjasik 1/9 Isaac_Gonzalez (#618)
Solic 1/9 Sam17z (#696)

I barely went through everything in detail, but I’ll give what I can think of:
Maxwell - Slight Town read, he posted his class card which I don’t think think is something he would do as scum, but the read can easily switch depending on previous actions
Isaac - Screams Town to me in his way of posting, probably more of a gut feel that I’m more confident in
Zone - Scum Read, he’s acting less like his “helpful” self (At least I think that’s how he normally acts, I’m not too sure)

This is the big bad Sam push you are afraid of start of day 1 that it compels you to start ATE’ing? You’re not that fragile Geyde. I reread it twice now, so stop referring to me having to reread things, because your explanations don’t make sense.

@DatBird I want you to read this post.

And give thoughts

You know this is blatantly false

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