[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness - go to the other thread

Cause first forum match that wasn’t turbo.

Hey Magnus…

You forgot a little something

All the classes in the game are public

And there isnt a neut like that

That is extremely overcomplicated. The 1 night cooldown, I can understand, but the lack of available usage until N3 is too off, especially with a Survivor wincon

Youre right.

But i have a passive.

but you play tol right?image

idk with that bad of a reaction to a scum check and you’ve played something like this before

Yeah, about 10 games.


I couldnt get him to revoke his claim

So his only possible claim is Moon Wolf

Which definitely isnt… a survive with everyone

In tol scumreads cant be done d1.

All scum will probably bus him now.

oof ;-;

buti have the strongest passive against being voted.

I am sure you do. :eyes:


oof im kinda scared of him now

100000000000 iq fool play?

Smartness 1000

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What is your class called then? Exact name?

If we base it off that statement

Hes the Lycan