[FM] Random Rolemadness Madness v3.0 { Game end } - Mafia (MrEevee7/KyoDaz/Solic/htm) wins

But mawf!!

You made a high amount of criptic posts and have posted a lot of fluff. How is it any different?

What is this accusation on me?

You can check my games, I can ā€œguessā€ a tone but no one ever actually told me how to make one except rn.


datbird looks scummy for ducking tf out of this argument too

Ok, Iā€™ve looked at the OP.
Kinda concerned with how many people I havenā€™t played with before, itā€™ll make it hard to read them.

Those of you who are new. Idk if youā€™ve already been asked but can you link 2 games, 1 scum and 1 town from recent games youā€™ve been in.


ive never been scum so no

bruh ducking out of the conversation. U never responded to my last question lol

Recent town game:


Recent scum game:

Most recent FoL I believe.

I dont understand
you need meta to make reads?

Eh, kind of agree with Moth but for different reasons. Usually for V!HTM you see sincere independent attempts at gamesolving by asking questions, making reads, and whatnot. HTM has posted a lot but Iā€™ve yet to see an independent thought from him so far.

I think he wants to make meta reads.


Donā€™t need it but itā€™s helpful to consider.

the post she made was coming off the back of a town hardclaim by magnus

the action by htm is to make a joke about being themself. The claim itself isnt even game related.

the timing, the tone, the self professed intent lacks one thing: townyness. while it isnt outwardlt obvious scummy, weve all been here before.

you roll scum, somebody hardclaims town very ultra serious. and you dont know what to do. Your mind thinks: do I claim the same? I gotta talk because what if all the town hardclaims town before scum has even posted?

Say something say something

I hardclaim self

easy enough right?

i think making a joke post is nai

I was literally trying to be funny, just that.

You are seriously overthinking this.

Heres what happens as town and you see someone hardclaim town
Normal answers from a town POV
Oh sweet, me too
Are you lying?
Scum for sure
I also hardclaim town

Awkward answers from a non town POV
claim something ambiguous
get confused
react awkwardly

Magnus never did this what are u on about? Are u really taking this

as a real claim, that his role is town. Why, like it was a joke and now ur trying to SR someone fro claiming themself after magnus claimed town

Your reaction to it has been terrible, though.

I believe magnus was 1000% serious. derpy. new. inexperienced. serious