[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

To demonstrate it’s not PKR and PKR wants fo be sac’d

I mean i see only one other person who could be min and if its them imma jump in a hole.

No, Math. The “If one existed” bit

Like why say that when we know one exists?

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Hippo. There’s the convert PKR N1 meme but also the “TPs on Me” quote by me which is what I chose to put in MY preach to confirm it is me


Hey look! I said you’re scum at the start of day.

Now anyone agreeing with me must be town and disagreeing must be scum /s

If I started begging to be sacc’d wojld thst make ME minister?

If you want to claim Minister do it now.
I dare you.

Hippolytus has Revealed as Minister!

No I don’t lie. But I think you are.

Then the real one will come out.
Else my point is irrefutable.

Like this has all the hallmarks of Gistou. There is a fuckin deepwolf team here.

:exploding_head: My vote is on geyde idc this minister shit

If I’m a deepwolf, then where is the Minister?

Or we keep the minister hidden and live for a really long time and then boom hammer

Wtf you said you thought geyde was maf

Hidden as they should be

K. Get 4 votes on you during lynch phase.

Read the thread nerd

Thats dumb dont he just converts someone else if he scum u troll.

Geyde’s ritual abilities are disabled if Bazinga town

Oh damn