[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

About the typo, as any other GMT timelines can verify that was posted at 01:16 on a Saturday Night (sunday morning technically) and I was a tad drunk on a bus.

In order for htm to be a traitor, one of the wolves has to have figured out that he was but not be 100% certain (which is very possible considering Blue is almost certainly a wolf) and then decide to not stop his wagon but not support it either, which is very plausible.

sigh I need to think more about htm honestly. Him, Kai and Magnus are at the top of my list of reads to resolve before I go back over my current reads and figure out which one is obviously wrong.

like if we assume Blue (as an example) posts ā€œI think htm is lost wolfā€ in wolfchat and then tells his partners not to bus htm it would be possible for the htm wagon to be pure and for htm to be a wolf.

I think itā€™s more accurate that there is a wolf on the htm wagon regardless of htmā€™s allignment, especially conidering that there were no counterwagons.

lolwagonomics, lolwolves, lolvillage, lolicibalus, lolwerewolfingeneral

That seems a bit tinfoily to me, Htm was nowhere near traitory enough for scum to act uunder that assumption. Especially D1 when James and PKR were both being traitory as shit.

Of those 3 Magnus seems the most likely by far. I donā€™t see Noz being maf likely after his slip early on (although @Ami where u at).

Why exactly is Kai villager?

And what if Bazinga used the scum once per game interrupt a ritual to try to townfirm himself?

Questions that popped in my head

I disagree here on the counterwagons.

Youā€™re talking about a situation in an RVS in a game with d1 plularity. What happened there was at the EoD and the flash wagon built up as we, failed, to prevent a no lynch as this game works purely on majority.

Itā€™s a significant possibility that if Htmā€™s wagon is pure, that he is village, and that the wolves intentionally did not help mislynch him as he would be mislynched in a later day while we also lost the day with a NL. Which is why I disagree with your theory that there had to be at least one wolf in Htmā€™s wagon if Htm is V.

I think he townslipped at some point? Iā€™ve been reading his posts and I canā€™t seem to find it, so uhhh @Hippolytus if you could show us it that would be great.

As for the second question: shit. That makes quite a lot of sense, especially since that sounds like EXACTLY the kind of stunt that Blue would organise.

Kai slipped as V as he didnā€™t realize that Jamesā€™ hardclaim was a wolf class.

In case Kai W then he wouldnā€™t have slipped that as heā€™d know that the Shaman was a wolf class.

That sounds like Princess Bride.

Especially since he is acting like you are lying then vamoosed.

i canā€™t really respond to this post with anything but ā€œfair enoughā€.

sigh Mind you, I still seriously doubt that the htm wagon was pure. It just dosenā€™t sit right with me at all.

I am thinking if my theories on traitor signals are wrong

Blue + Bazinga and maaaaybe Kai (This is weaker)

The reason I am especially concerned is that if Bazinga is town then weā€™d have two exorcists.

I doubt Blue/Kai orchestrated Kaiā€™s slip. It felt quite natural and fit in with the thread flow.

[devils advocate]

I know Noz/Kai, and based on what I know of his personality i think he is capable of missing details about his wolfteam such as their own classes and would end up being unaware of Shaman being a wolf class.

[/devils advocate]

come to think of it I basically just spent 30 seconds writing an explanation that is basically ā€œlolwolvesā€, but oh well. I donā€™t think itā€™s an outright townslip per se but it is pretty villagery.

I think Iā€™m going to throw in the towel for today (IRL, at least) and take a break for a while. Before I go, a brief and very subtle reminder that Blue is almost certainly a wolf and even if he isnā€™t his lynch is great for PoE/thunderdome purposes.


Youā€™re not going to respond to the fact youā€™re pinging me?

Pretty sure Iā€™m confirmed town and I cant control other peopleā€™s misguided inclinations: James is the lynch :slight_smile:

Explain to me like I am 5 how you are confirmed.