[FM] Ritual Mafia 3 - Heretics win!

A macho IC, to add.

thank you baz
very cool

Iā€™m back, what are top ritual candidates?

Currently inhaling fumes from my dumpster fire to achieve enlightenment

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Weā€™re effectively forced to sacrifice PKR right now as he outed himself as the Minister.

So let me get this right this ritual phase we kill someone, and they activate one of their ritual abilities. And someone has to be sacrificed so theres no way out of it. Our current two big sacrifice choices are Geyde who wont be able to activate any abilities since Baz did their ability, or PKR is claiming Minisomething I dont know the spelling. Since he outed that, he cant be healed so hes pretty much free kill target for scum.

Weighing both options they both are beneficial in the aspect that if Bazs reads are right Geyde is scum and we have a easy lynch here with no reprocussion of a heretic ability going off. Or we have PKR who if not lying is pretty much dead tonight, and we get two permanant votes on a scummy player in their eyes. Im leaning Bazā€™s idea atm since his scumreads are pretty damn accurate

ā€¦ Sounds like a PKR thing to doā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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What did Baz claim?

idk I missed that part but Thamasa keeps saying hes confirmed town from what I remember

Read the thread. Bazinga cannot be a Heretic by mechanics.

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ily honey :kissing_heart:

:face_vomiting: gross

thanks honey

Just looked over his claim and the role itself, why cant it be Heretic. Like I TR him I just donā€™t see how its 100% confirmed by mechanics

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Imho please Sac Geyde.

Take a look at what happened early d1.

Itā€™s obvious.

Exorcist who removed Geydeā€™s ritual abilities.

By saccing Geyde we confirm Bazinga. So even if PKR is IC which I donā€™t believe then we have two ICs scum have to waffle between

We already have Baz as non-Heretic by mechanicsā€¦

Ugh, why do I keep trying to reason with you?

Because your reasoning is flawed and you just repeat it over and over and over to try to make it seem popular.