[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

so Anstreim


donā€™t empower him

Iā€™m not a CW



is ITAly, god of ITAs not good enough for you

who are u again

sorry kat
youā€™re only the 34th person to say that

hey italy lets make a deal

if you donā€™t peek me im petting you

if you peek me im also petting you but ill be way cooler when i do it

basically youā€™re fucked

are you seriously going to headpat a dead body

sure, why not

never has someone described FM better


ill give you an out though

if youā€™re a lamb iā€™ll never threaten to headpat you again

ā€œyour options are do this, and die orā€¦
do this, and dieā€

a reminder that all potential replacements should create a PM with the proper post as the OP of such a thread as requested and include astand and me, not post a request in this thread.

i have class in 6 hours

i need sleep
marsh out


alright cool we can talk trash behind his back in peace

marshal is a nerd discuss

@an_gorta_pratai has replaced in for @Napoleon!

as usual, donā€™t discuss replacements to abide by the global forum rules, yadda yadda.

I need to read up on this thread, but please everyone give me a summary of events as well.

When the thread says you only have 87 posts to read but itā€™s like 600 but the scroll thing breaks so you scroll to 4900 and you donā€™t know where you started reading and life and pain

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