wouldn’t be the first time someone thought i was scum when they were scum and tried to bus me but i was town all along
Iv already claimed lol
I know, that’s why Kyo seeming so villagery was so spooky.
If Derps is actual Seer ima cry
(looking @ u italy )
[quote=“Arete, post:6371, topic:81237, full:true”]
Voted Kyo - Arete, katze, Wazza, Derps, probably Kyo
Voted Italy - Italy, DryBones
Voted DryBones - an_gorta (Nappy)
to be fair i thought you were a lost cause
you were super obvious to me
My reads are crap, but Dry seems village to me. I will be rethinking my reads from now on though.
Italy is never a Heretic here based on Kyo forcing the ritual off of him
could be Traitor but not main pack scum
/Vote SirDerpsAlot
You know what fuck this game Iv been busy with school and haven’t had much time to play I fuck up once and everyone screams haha scum I’m done just fucking lynch me
Voted Kyo - Arete, katze, Wazza, Derps, probably Kyo
Add (+0-2 Heretics)
braixen also voted for me
Replace out then.
wait no don’t do that we’re already looking for 1.
so that’d be parity w/ all visible claims
You’re not supposed to tell people to replace out
wazza wtf
he did it
self vote + ate
he did the thing everyone