[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I would 100% do that

also a PoE of 4 people who contain a scum in a 16’er, while useful, isn’t lynch deciding IMO

hmm you do seem to like me

so maybe

Does being ritualed count as a heretic death for them to keep living?


derps you just look like a flailing wolf now :confused:

I think that’s a no because the class card explicitly says lynch

No i

So unless we hit a heretic today Italy is dying?

Fuck No u*

this is a very awkward typo


Basically yes
Unless Italy is lamb or heretic making a play

Doubt it’s Heretic. That switch was…


if italy was lamb he like

99.9% gets ritualed instead of kyo

hes basically conftown atm

Shut up

oh my god wazza drop the weeb avatar please

fucking fight me nerd

/vote Wazza

I’m an angry midget

/vote Katze

Cats out.

If Italy lives after a potential mislynch then Italy should be tomorrows lynch.