[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I see the odds of this as basically zero as Kyo would have had no need to flip the ritual to him and in fact it would have been actively suboptimal


what if they converted italy and the traitor is the elementalist who is outting so italy doesn’t “suicide”

and now italy is locktown, sacrificed tomorrow

…im overthinking aren’t i?

fuck u right

you’re definitely overthinking it

okay but if im right im not apologizing to you postgame

now go and lynch derps like a good boy :eyes:

yes dad


i feel like the odds of traitor both picking Elementalist(worst traitor IMO) and targeting scum n1 is hella low

You guys still think I’m openwolfing after claiming wolf as a meme?

it’d be hilarious if i was lamb and just got blocked by my own allies

Doubt it. He’s been solidly in his town meta so far.

If Kyo was dumb enough to convert him then we’d know by the EoD.

the thing is

even if you’re not LW

the case for you being not-lost-wolf is very compelling

you asking for an alignment change from N when i made my hot sauce bet felt like actually genuine

and if u were town i feel like u’d be talking abt it more cuz u’d know i’d do it

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Okay so you read me as both then or like

i read you as “you’re almost definitely not town”

and thats what matters

you claiming LW helps though

It was genuine I need you to be alive for our hydra game Marshal

marshal i’ll be coming over to get your apology in person

For Kyo to convert? I’d imagine that he probably converted someone widely townread but not you/me/Arete as we’d be too obvious here.

I’m not outing my theory rn as my time is best spent hunting the d1 groupscum.

What even is the case on me other than me claiming LW as an obvious meme

i redchecked you