[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!


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Sulit is most likely Shaman, if we are to assume that they want to continue to fake claim heretics would need to convert a offensive class

In additionm I did not claim until AFTER Kyo died

Okay so.

Dry/Alice/Katze - Either all 3 of these players are Town or 2 of them are Scum.

Either that or Arete is just fake.

Wazza Kyo Used their ritual ability on Offensive Classes to block their abilities :man_facepalming:

This bypasses immunity

I just explained why Iā€™m not fake claiming here but fine, ignore it.

Thatā€™s also a possibility, Iā€™m just saying without that.

Either way, I want Arete ritualed today.

Not Arete, Alice*

thatā€™s ā€¦ not how this works?? do you understand anything about how this class works?

but if you knew every offensive was occupied there isnt much risk?


any examples of this?

Honestly I donā€™t trust Alice

Katze who did you target last night

Wait wow

I clearly can tell you donā€™t since Iā€™ve played that class before and this was how it worked.

Other then me, assuming that everyone who claimed is not fake

The only people to not be occupied are


and they all targeted vulgard

Coincidence? I think not

I realise how fucking stupid I am to check Vulgard.

Aaaaaaa I want to die.