[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

actually I’m going to eat lunch so AMA I’ll be here for like 10-15 minutes

Here is my epic plot twist.

Answer 3 was purposefully put in there to make me think others are more scummy.

People that answered question 3


These would be people I am most susp of

I think Sulit lynch today is best option tbh

Here is my epic plot twist

I did all 3


You clearly stated your original purpose was to do the 3rd

By not following instruction you have doomed your case

Ever wonder why I removed you from ping list? Because your fate was already sealed

This entire question was phrased as a game of 3d chess. It was scumbait, and you fell for it
hook, line, and sinker

I would also cast suspision on the players that can’t read


for answering all the questions lol

Don’t worry about this tbh this is weak scum bait I actually just wanted response.

I would just be susp of people that answered question 3

There is a faital flaw in your argument. You forgot to mention d3 convert! Scum slip!

Nvm I’m an idiot

nvm i’m a idiot bimbo

Scum Roaster for me Rn




hey so this self-meta is pretty bad

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I would agree.

I’m not saying self-meta = wolf but it’s pretty bad fluff. Let me keep reading just to check I’m not falling into bias.

/vote sulit

good morning

is the sulit wallpost worth reading