[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I think it’s incredibly risky to go for him, not that I think he’s not a convert. It’s better to go for somebody who’s more likely a wolf, like sulit.

I mean, that if they’re a wolf they’ve been a wolf for longer, so there’s more associatives, is more what I mean.

Here. Basically I’m p sure I’ll get killed regardless here, so may as well use it to block the second factional.

I agree, but do you have any solid V reads or ideas on who may be converted or the traitor?

I’m not super hot on posting weirdly speculative lists and salivating about how one of those players is a wolf, but sure. I think Wazza/Arete/maybe katze what idk might be a good bet???

Eh, I’m reading from mid-D2 to now to see if any player suddenly had their attitude or reads massively changed. The D3 convert is mostly speculation being that we haven’t gotten much info.

The Traitor… eh. It’s what I said. I’m leaving them for later.

Okay so i’m not done reading yet, and only got through part of Day 3, can someone tell me if I have to read D1 and D2 also? B/c holy shit 13,569 posts

Don’t bother doing more than skimming the thread, we need you right now.

I am 100% down with getting a TL:DR

I got peaches and cherries to sell in animal crossing

I saw a wallpost by Katze that was a little weird to me, and a wallpost/logs from Arete that was a little weird, and some Marshal trolling

Marshal is flipped wolf.

TL:DR me

Sulit is probably a wolf, would reccomend doing a vote.

Not this second, but later, near EoD.

I don’t like that TL:DR >:(

okii, well I dont wanna be pocketed right away anyway, i’ll skim for a bit

totally am not procrastinating my school work to do mafia game that would be ridiculous


people left are

Player Role N1 Action N2 Action
Wazza Oracle Apprentice Vulgard
Icibalus Conjurer An_gorta Wazza… lllll;
Alice Matyr Wazza Vulgard
an_gorta Enchanter Vulgard - SDA Apprentice - Dry
katze Enchanter Arete - Marshal Dry - Wazza
Arete Blood Mage Nothing Drink
Braixen Medium Appel Italy
DryBones Blood Mage Nothing Nothing
Sulit Conjurer Vulgard Arete
Apprentice/Chloe Blood Mage Drink Nothing

I wanted to make an attempt at mechanically deducing something from this but I tried and I soon discovered that I will not be doing this, but maybe this chart will be helpful for those who want to.

Wazza/I’ve been kinda changing my mind on Wazza all game, Theres some really weird stuff he’s done and some good stuff he’s done. I’d ISO him but he has 1000 fucking posts so I’m just going to try and highlight what I do and don’t like about him. His D1 seemed relatively fine but there’s a weird post Kyo had about him that I pointed out D2, and I don’t like his behavior before the ritual happened. It was like he was trying to avoid responsibility for it. I think as the game goes on his chances of being converted increase, but I also thing he’s relatively likely to be starting scum. I keep going into a loop where his posts seem OK then he does something scummy, then he becomes ok again, and then he does something scummy. So I’d be fine with lynching him today as well.

Icibalus/Probably was town before Marshal got yeeted but I think he’s likely to be converted as well. I don’t like how he’s trying to get people to “just vote me.”

Alice/Probably one of my top convert candidates. It just kinda makes sense. I’ve been kind of paranoid of Alice all game, but I don’t really know much else to say here, I just think they’re probably converted.

gorta/This is my top lynch candidate rn. Napoleon was really scummy, and I thought he was holding back because he was some sort of power role or something but I just don’t see why he’d act the way he did. Gorta replaced in and he hasn’t really been exactly towny or scummy. He’s just been there. He’s kinda acting like anime but that’s offset by the way Nappy was D1.

katze/I can’t read katze im coming back to this later skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I came back to this later and I still can’t read katze. I don’t really see why they’d soul switch what they did on a wolf partner but it kinda makes sense for wolf theater? idk

Arete/My read on Arete has been a fucking rollercoaster. At first I townread them because I agreed with a lot of stuff they said, then I got paranoid because they’ve been on or pushed basically all the disaster wagons, and now I’m thinking that their tone and thought process is really pure. I just read through their gigantic explaining thought process post and I can’t really see them as scum atm. Arete seems like they’re trying to solve my slot rather than just say sulit is scum, like they did on Anime. I like that they’re being really transparent and they have more of a curious tone.

Braixen/Not starting scum, probably not converted. If you want me to explain more then ask.

Drybones/Probably not starting scum, probably not converted based on recent play. Basically my top townread.


EVO/Apprentice was scummy D1. However, I read through his ISO and he actually isn’t that bad tbh. Some of his posts actually give me towny vibes. His claim and his thought process behind not claiming make sense and seem really genuine. Chloe I thought was towny as well, but I’m not really sure if they’re converted or not, so I’d put this at not starting scum.

Converts in order of most likely to least likely:

Traitors in order of most to least likely:

General scumreads:
An, Wazza, Alice

Arete is my top LW but not really strong and I don’t feel like hunting for LWs right now.

I started ISOing people but more than half the game has like over 1000 posts
so I’m at a loss now
hey i did it without ISOing much so thats lit

any way for @Braixen, I basically just scrolled through my ISO and tried to explain where and how my thoughts were going:

As much of my thought processes as I can explaIn:
I was pretty hyped for this game when it started because I was pretty bored, but I was also kinda worried because Anime was still going on at the time and I didn’t really want to screw anything up so I was kinda… careful? I guess. My first real scumread was Apprentice because they seemed kind of afraid to post at first. Napoleon was worrying because I couldn’t get a confident read on them. I had some trouble early game because I just didn’t really have a lot of reads that people didn’t already state and I was having trouble keeping up with the thread. I got kind of lost and demotivated as the day went on until I looked more closely at Napoleon and realized that he wase actually really scummy and different from his town meta, then I started pushing him. I also didn’t like Jgoes a lot at the time but I didn’t want to vote him over Napoleon because I didn’t like Napoleon more. I got frusterated when people didn’t understand that. I don’t like how Marshal agreed with my read and then just left it. I kinda just lost a bunch of motivation to play D1 because I hadn’t made myself a good foundation of reads and stuff to build off of later in the game and I hadn’t closely read the thread. I got kinda sus of Dry because he seemed underwhelming and not much people were paying attention to him. I isoed the the top wagons and didn’t really feel like going on any of them, and then I looked at Wazza because Wisp didn’t like him and I trusted Wisp, and I agreed he was off. Napoleon kept mind melding me and then I noticed that Jgoes wagon wasn’t really getting much attention. A lot of people nullscumread him but no one cared to vote him, and I thought that was weird so I hopped on the wagon. My scumread strengthened the more time people were saying we should vote Jgoes but no one did.

N1 I blocked Jgoes because he was my top scumread.

D2 I softed my block repeatedly at SOD. I didn’t want to claim it immediately because I thought andor hoped if Jgoes was scum he’d claim an action or slip in some way, so I wanted to wait for Jgoes to get on before I claimed. D2 was during weekdays so I couldn’t really do much, as I had to focus on schoolwork first, so that caused me to get more behind. I also became more disinterested because mechanics discussion kind of took over and I’m not really good at mechanical solving/find discussing it boring. Most of my reads were kind of gut, I didn’t really have a ton I was sure on or wanted to push so that just made my more unmotivated. I wanted to be checked so that I wouldn’t get mislynched like I’m being right now but I also knew if I was publically checked then I wouldn’t really be helpful since I was busy and not really invested into the game, so I wanted to try and get myself more townread while looking for better people to invest. I would be ok with myself being checked but I didn’t think I was the best choice. I saw Apprentice’s claim and I thought it was genuine and believed it. My townread on Wisp strengthened because I agreed with a lot of the stuff they said and they were acting differently than I remembered them to in Not Dead Yet. I got paranoid of Marshal and suggested we could check them.

i think these posts make me not likely to be scum with marshal

I was still just kinda detached from the game. I didn’t really have a ton of scumreads and that was concerning me. I wanted to make sure that Dry was actually claiming BM. I still scumread Jgoes at this point because of the whole no kill thing and I still didn’t like their vote wagon movement, or lack there of. I really wanted Alice checked because they’re a strong player and if they’re wolf and checked that’s great, if they’re town and checked that’s also great. I didn’t really like Alice at the time, they felt off, and I thought it was weird no one else was really suggesting they be checked. I lurked at EOD whilst playing minecraft and I subconsciously thought that CFDing to Kyo last minute was a bad idea and is pop in was really weird but I didn’t do anything about it, so that made me really mad at myself and made me lose even more interest in the game. At this time I got paranoid of Arete too because they pushed Appel and they were on Kyo. This made me townread Braixen more. I still didn’t like Jgoes a lot. I looked back at Kyo’s ISO for interactions and I looked at EOD and that’s when I got sus of Wazza again. I didn’t like Wazza’s behavior EOD and there was a specific quote from Kyo that I think is a bad look for him.


Vulgard subbed in and claimed roleblocked, so I immediately claimed the roleblock afterwards. I liked Vulgard’s posting and tone and thought they were town from that point on. I guess my action could have been faked but, I don’t really have any confidence in faking mechanical stuff, especially as scum. You can tell by how many times I’ve slipped up trying to claim a class. I’m just really bad at it. One of the things I like about being town, especially in setups like these, is that I can be honest about what I do, especially my class. I don’t have to hide, or worry about hiding, what I did at night etc etc. Still scumread Wazza a lot. After this I just got really inactive and started skipping over sections of the thread. I lost track of what was going on essentially. I tried to read what I could and post what I could but I just didn’t really know what was going on. I didn’t like Wazza or Alice, but I could fully explain Alice and I didn’t really have any confident townreads that I could lean on as a anchor of sorts. I got more sus of gorta because I was talking to him and he basically said he gutread his own slot as scum. I got frusterated because I didn’t know where I was at in the point of the game, people were starting to scumread me, and I was getting more behind. I got less confident on my Wazza read but I don’t really know why I did tbh. i think my feels at this point were very well encompassed in

this post

I tried to make an effort to solve and sort out where I was at readswise but I was just lost in terms of who I scumread. I got paranoid of the Amelia wagon and wanted to switch elsewhere because there was basically no resistance to their lynch and I heavily townread Wisp. Got paranoid of Arete and katze, voted Drybones because I didn’t want Amelia to be lynched and I thought he could be a convert.

N2 I blocked arete last minute because I forgot to submit an action and they were who I didn’t like most because there had been no scum lynches/town rituals at that point and Arete was on or pushing all of them.

Beginning of D3 Braixen was tunneling me and I crumpled inside. I was leaning against katze because ritualed because I didn’t like their vote on Amelia EOD, but I didn’t really have any confident reads anymore so I just voted katze anyway because I didn’t know who else I would vote and I thought it was worse to vote someone random than to just vote katze. I tried to defend myself against the points being brought up against me but no one really responded to my defenses and kept just scumreadnig me cough katze cough. I thought Chloe was town because Apprentice’s claim seemed genuine and Chloe seemed really pure. After the ritual I just gave up. I didn’t have any motivation to defend myself at that point and I didn’t really want to. Braixen was frusterating the hell out of my because he’d been tuneling me all day and didn’t really listen to anything I said. I defending myself against Chloe and katze but they didn’t really do anything about it either. I felt like just giving up but I’d also feel terrible if I was mislynched and lost the game for us all, so that brings us to why I am typing this.

Viola. I need to get school work done now I’ve wasted like 2 hours on this.


okay so
at least you’ve contributed now

in all seriousness this is what I asked for, so I will need to read this post in some actual detail.