[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Because it causes more people to claim and it helps nobody.

Your wheel appears to be extremely faulty

wait @ChopChop are you claiming blood mage? fr?

he had a couple of posts that were from a very villagery mindset

do you want me to try to find the point where I changed my read on him or can you search it up in my Iso for yourself


can you do that for me?

Even if I TR him I still wouldnā€™t trust a red check from Seth.

Heā€™s nearly got a V mislynched before by claiming a fake red and not rescinding before the EoD, so unless I see him flipping BM, then Iā€™m not going to TDome you/Marshal/Kyo.


Evils please donā€™t kill KyoDaz. The guys amazing.

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marshal did you even try to ISO me before you dropped everything for this


I did


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Yes, I know this sounds like a wolfy discredit, but after a game with Seth then Iā€™m never taking his mech info at face value again.


Do we have 4 Blood Mage claims now?

who tf knows what drybones is claiming

P sure that no.


the first one wasnā€™t super well-explained but his mindset during the conversation felt townie and the things he was thinking of felt more like the sort of things town would think of than scum (but if youā€™re trying to read katze Iā€™d recommend reading that whole interaction)

the second one is explained in the linked post

this wouldnā€™t have even been a ā€œdrop everythingā€ thing if i could have gotten 1 reason why katā€™s town

have i not claimed town yet

that might have helped you

Person Wheel Lands
Wiisp 2
Kyo 2
Marshal 1
Italy 2
Alice 1
Sulit 1
Braixen 1

Analysis, I think the Wheel is trying to tell us that everyone with 2 lands are scum.





I have a question. If katze thought I was softing IC why didnā€™t he just keep it in wolf chat and kill me?

Was the ā€œsoftā€ really that obvious?